Spaced Mindfulness

A framework for peaceful and productive living

Saurav Bhattacharya
New Earth Consciousness
2 min readSep 10, 2022


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Have you wondered how to remain calm while tackling all the tough day-to-day challenges that come up for you? When every day seems like a struggle, demanding, and stressful? When you have tried meditation and other calming techniques, but things still are boiling in your mind?

Then I might have the perfect solution for you: a simple framework I have recently developed for thinking and tackling problems to ensure I feel calm and happy. Yet, I am also able to take on any challenge when needed. It ensures that I am operating efficiently towards a solution and not wasting my energy needlessly.

So, what is this technique? I call it: spaced mindfulness. How does it work? I describe it as follows:

  1. Choose a place where you can concentrate without distractions.
  2. Come to a comfortable sitting or lying position.
  3. Take a deep breath in and out.
  4. Become mindful of how you are feeling at the moment. Stay aware of it for a few moments.
  5. Take a minor mental step to solve the problem or challenge in question. Note that the effort needs to be small enough such that your calm isn’t disturbed.
  6. As soon as you feel that you are getting stressed, tired, worried, hyper, rushed, or in any way not peaceful and calm, go back to Step no. 4.
  7. Repeat as necessary.

That’s it! That’s the technique! I have been using this framework to stay mindful while also doing my day-to-day work, and I have realized I am calmer and more peaceful, but I am also more efficient, getting more useful work done and making more impact!

So, that’s my gift to you! I hope you find this helpful. Please tell me how it works for you. If it does, please share this post so that others can benefit from it too. If not, please let me know your experience, so I can better help you next time.




Saurav Bhattacharya
New Earth Consciousness

I think and write about complexity, consciousness, wisdom, beauty and love.