Stepping Into The Unknown

You Don’t Need To Know Where You’re Headed

Merlyn Reena
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readFeb 7, 2023


Image by the author

The whole world is meticulously planning its future day in and day out. They want all the events to be lined up one after the other because they are too afraid of the unknown.

Like going to college, getting a well-paying job, getting married, having children, and retiring early. While I’m not against planning I am against staying rigid to this meticulously charted-out course of life.

Why? Because when you line up these well-planned well-thought-out events you give no room for the Universe to intervene and guide you. Maybe this Higher Force has a better plan.

Maybe it wants to throw in something in the mix to sweeten the pot. Perfectly planned out lives aren’t that perfect. Go ahead and make your plans by all means, but allow the Universe to play its part.

Maybe it has a better way. What I usually do is make my end goal crystal clear and start taking steps toward that direction. But I stay flexible to the ways of the Universe and pay heed to its input.

By doing this I’m welcoming and allowing the Universe into my life to fine-tune my plans and my ways to reach my destination. Sometimes my desires shifted and what I originally intended was not what I wanted.

So, by being flexible and open-ended you are being receptive to the guidance of the Universe. And sometimes you’re forced to shift, and the life changes are sudden and not that subtle.

Maybe you wanted your promotion this year, but instead, you got fired. While this might look like being jolted into change, Life does know what she’s doing.

So don’t stay bitter and seething with venomous hate, instead be open and listen closely to what the Universe is trying to tell you. The Universe is your invisible guide force/mentor/friend trying to show you the way.

It’s an unseen force that has your highest good in mind. It’s trying to help you find your way through this long and tortuous journey. With it as your guide along with your intuition, you can navigate through this life and take strides toward your destiny.

There is an end destination for us all. And it’s our responsibility to seek it out and follow the leadings. “How?”, you might ask. It’s not that labyrinthine if you know the pattern in which Life works.

It’s like a lock system with specific codes in place, and punching in the right codes will unlock the doors to your destiny. The simplest way is to follow your desires.

Allow your desires to carry you from point to point. And any turbulence should not be perceived as roadblocks or “Maybe it’s not meant to be.” Instead, look at failures as redirection or a feedback loop trying to tell you that there’s a missing piece- a blind spot that you haven’t figured out yet.

Failure is not a character trait. It’s a problem that you’ve failed to detect and/or solve. So stop taking failure so personally. It’s just a report card telling you what’s working and what’s not.

Don’t be afraid to fail and don’t be afraid of criticism. No one dares criticise when you’ve ultimately unlocked the doors to your abundant life. Don’t let the critics falter you.

Drown out the noise and pay heed to your inner compass guiding you like a GPS system. The other side of failure, the other side of the unknown is freedom, love, abundance, and healing.

So if you feel like you don’t know what your life is going to look like, don’t fret or brood over the unknown. Just take a step into it, and when you take the first step, the next step appears.

No one sees the end from the beginning other than the force that’s holding this cosmos together. The only way to keep going forward is to start taking one step after the other. You don’t get to see the entire trail.

This is why it’s important that you have faith in yourself and the Universe. Believe that no matter what the Universe is guiding you and you are being led by this ever-compassionate loving force.

Believe in this cosmic love and know that it deeply loves you and cares for you. The only way you’re going to make it is when you possess a deep knowing that there is a loving force guiding you and that you can rest assured that life is working out for you.

“The love that puts the cosmic dance of galaxies into motion also beats our hearts.”

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