

The ‘70s

Mystic Heart
New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

I have previously told you that there is constant sympathy between our souls.

It would be appropriate to think about the fact that this sympathy did not arise today or a few years ago but occurred at a time before your birth, i.e., reincarnation.

There are no coincidences in the universe.

Everything, down to its own details, is subject to a supreme law.

The birth of people was previously planned and determined in detail by the supreme world, and this plan was explained to the person to be born and put into practice after his or her consent was obtained.

  • Message Source: Goethe

Dr. Bedri Ruhselman

If you're interested in more quotes from Dr. Bedri Ruhselman you may refer to this list.

Dr. Bedri Ruhselman

Sometimes I look into the eyes of a person whom I see for the first time, and I think,

“This look is so familiar.”


“I know him / her.”

Or, sometimes, some people feel so much sympathy toward a pop singer, an actor, or an actress.

We may consider this kind of sympathy we feel so intensely from this perspective, as explained above.

I’ll now share a song that I have enjoyed listening to very much in recent days.

I have a feeling of sympathy toward the singer, which I cannot put into words.

He resembles very much a pop singer whose songs I liked very much from my childhood who passed away.

His way of dressing and his way of singing are very similar to those of that pop singer. Besides the lyrics of the song, the melody is also similar to the style of that singer.

Maybe due to this or due to my past lives, I have such a feeling…

Some of the lines of the lyrics are as follows:

We came to the world again, the lottery hit the poet.
The poet wrote and wrote, is it the cure for your problem?

The mountains go on their way, I go on my own way
The mountain found its mountain, and I finally found you
Feelings opened my heart, these feelings, these memories
How did my Lord create, how many springs did he make us experience?

The mountains go on their way, I go on my own way
The mountain found its mountain and I finally found you

Maybe you will also feel sympathy toward him due to your previous lives. :) Watch the clip and decide…

By the way, while watching, you will feel the spirit of the ’70s with their dressings… :)

Enjoy the scenery and the music!…

With Love🙏🏻



Mystic Heart
New Earth Consciousness

I share the words, thoughts and excerpts of the books of some wise people who enlightened my path of life. I hope what I share will enlighten your path too.🙏🏻