Why We Travel

Synchronicity: Allowing Hawai’i to Magically Reveal Itself

We travel to experience the magic of “effortless awareness” in the world around us.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
13 min readJul 28, 2021


Fisheye view of Carlsmith Beach Park, Hilo, Hawai’i, by Alan Lew, author, cc-by

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This story started about a month ago. It is about how a self-realized state of consciousness can create a more meaningful travel experience.

Around June 20, 2021, I was listening to an interview on ConsciousTV (YouTube) with David Bingham about “Self-Realization”. He may be best known as someone who became self-realized after listening to a podcast. He described how he works with people, which is a fairly simple process he calls “effortless awareness” (see also this other interview).

It was not something new to me, but somehow his description struck a chord. The following two weeks after listening to him, I found myself in a clear state of witnessing my physical, emotional, and mental self. I was witnessing my world unfold “effortlessly” before my awareness.

I was in awe and non-judgment of everything as it was “delivered” to my physical self. But I was not that physical self. I was the awareness beyond my physical self.



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — http://www.AlanLew.com (paywall-free article links)