Taking The Higher Perspective For The 2024 Elections

Daniel Hannah
New Earth Consciousness
6 min readNov 6, 2024


Okay, I usually don’t write about politics, but I’m seeing a trend among the spiritual community that I need to call out. Of course, my perspective will be different from your perspective. You might not agree with me…

But I have a bone to pick!

Part of humanity’s beauty is our individuality - that we are all unique beings with unique perspectives. No two people see life exactly the same because we all walk individual paths, filled with individual experiences, understandings, and knowledge.

Everyone is an expert in their own life because they are the only person who has experienced it. We all see life through different windows, and nobody else will ever see the same view as you, despite how similar these windows may seem.

This brings me to the first point…

Just because someone has a different worldview from you doesn’t mean they’re a villain. It doesn’t mean they’re wrong or misled.

It means they’re seeing the situation through a different window to you, and their perspective is perfectly valid, regardless of how different it is from yours.

So first off, let’s stop vilifying one another based on views, beliefs, or preferences, and bring it back to the good old times when we could put politics aside and see one another for what we are — human.

The problem with weaponized spirituality



New Earth Consciousness
New Earth Consciousness

Published in New Earth Consciousness

Earth’s ascension to a spiritual 5th Dimension is accelerating, bringing new opportunities to create a better world for all. ‘New Earth Consciousness’ supports this transformation by publishing heart centered writings on Ascension/Awakening, Channelings, and Other Insights.

Daniel Hannah
Daniel Hannah

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