The Age of Aquarius

Progressive Technological Expansion for a Sustainable Ecological Future

Joshua Miller
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readFeb 14, 2024


Future Cities Infused With Organic Nano Technology

Where will the world be in 200 years, 400 years, 1000 years? What positive long term change will your 30x great-grandchildren look back at you and point and say, my ancestors started the ball rolling for this, that, and the other and look at the effects it had on the world and the continual effects it has on me?

I often muse upon the scientific developments going on around us.

For the average conscious awakened person we all agree that the Covid-19 “virus” and the overbearing governmental regulations and requirements of masks and vaccines was a fear tactic to cull and control the minds of the people that bad things can happen on a global scale — yet fear not the government will step in to save the day by developing and bringing a vaccine your way!

The technological advancements in the medical industry are truly amazing. The Covid-19 vaccine made from tech-infused hybrid frog cells that could target a persons immune system; and either destroy or enhance it; somehow able to be controlled by the 5g tower network for up to 6 weeks before dying off and needing replacement — a booster shot — really is quite a progressive semi ecological technology…if used for the right purposes.

What if “natural” nano bots could be put inside a persons body to monitor blood sugar levels for a diabetic person? What if they could be made to identify cancerous cells, and being customized with an individuals unique genetic material could function like certain virus’ by attacking the degenerate cancerous cell and rein-fusing your own stem cell genetic material directly into the cancerous cell so that that cell could rebuild it’s own self from that persons original blueprint?

What if all of this could be monitored from your own personal handheld device? There could be hormonal monitors that could sense when levels of particular hormones are off and an alert on your phone could pop up and let you know that your low on serotonin, testosterone, or a plethora of other hormones, proteins, amino acids and other key components to the fine balance of your internal biome and could help you critique it with a push of a button to help you maintain the best internal balance, health and wellness.

What if technology like this could be put into your body that could target the site of a missing or deformed limb, access your genetic code and specifically target the area of repair; and in a matter of weeks reshape a deformed limb to normal, or grow back a severed one?

Organic, regenerative, nano-technologies. Sounds amazing doesn’t it? What if entire cities were built using natural substances grown like a corral reef that constantly morphed and grew with it’s environment, with self repairing capabilities through the click of a button?

There is alien technology that the government keeps hidden from us; when cataloging alien species and their space crafts at crash sites; where they have found that the alien ship is made from a bio genetic technology that could “repair/heal” itself and was able to heal the drivers of the ship as long as they remained connected to the ship — otherwise the alien species would die from their own wounds. You can find this information through specific channels on YouTube and other apps like Rumble that don’t filter content that is “controversial” and “conspiracy theory's.”

Can you imagine what our world would look like if we could spray from airplanes regenerative ecologically friendly substances that could heal sick forests, or completely bring back entire biomes consumed by natural and man made disasters like fires, hurricanes, floods, extreme heat waves, snap freezes and the like?

The more that people disassociate from governmental regime and cast off the fetters of a fear based mindset of governmental control the more quickly we will be able to pursue these technologies advancement that will work harmoniously in co existence with our mother earth Gaia.

I truly believe the Age of Aquarius — the age of technology is where we will through conscious expansion of our selves turn and use our creative minds to advance technology towards a sustainable ecological future where the blend of technology and natural biology looks no different than our own immune system that continuously works to keep us healthy and moves far far beyond it.

Healers, Creators, and Warriors of the higher dimensions incarnating here and now; let us hold space for those to come who may yet stand on our shoulders having raised the frequency of the minds of those in the world to cast off the fetters of the ages past that bind us so that they may work to build and use ecological technology to raise the frequency of this planet even higher into yet another plane of existence.

J.C. Miller

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