The Akashic Reminder — 6.12–6.19

What to Expect for the Week According to the Akashic Records

Mikaila Simone
New Earth Consciousness


Photo Credit: Mikaila Simone

The Akashic Records is a database that holds detailed descriptions of every feeling, action, and energetic imprint that has existed across the galaxies, across the universe, and across lifetimes. Some mention it as a Library of Memories, The Great Library, or, as the Bible has referred to it: The Book of Life. All are correct.

Located deep within the Heart space of a person, the Akashic Records is a place where information is kept, guarded, and transmitted. It is a database that holds the history of your soul and every decision it has made during its lifespan across millennia. This information does not belong to any one religion, culture, or species. It does not discriminate and it does not judge. Once accessed, the information is channeled through trusted sources (practitioners and otherwise) that would then convey the information exactly as communicated.

Hello, I am Mikaila and I am an Akashic Records Practitioner. If you’d like to know more info on what the Akashic Records are, here is a FAQ page that I wrote explaining all about them. I decided to start a new project in conjunction with the Akashic Records, called The Akashic Reminder. Through this, I will be giving weekly updates and overall news and offerings related to the Akasha! Sidenote: If you have any questions in regard to the Akasha, reply in a comment below and I’ll answer in my next post!

For this post, I’ll be channeling information for the Zodiac signs on what they should expect their upcoming week to look like. This is for the week of: 6/12/24 — 6/19/24.

Stay tuned for their final remarks at the end!

I am currently offering readings via my website in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!

The Question I asked was: What can the Zodiac signs expect for this upcoming week of 6/12/24 -6/19/24? (Apply to Sun, Moon, and/or Rising only.)

The Records’ Answers are as follows:


Aries is likely to find that this week, they are a bit more tired than normal and a bit more sluggish. Some will try to fight through this feeling of exhaustion, while others will take heed and rest more. Those who decide to push against it will find that they become increasingly tired this week. For those who decide to slow down and take a nap, by the end of this week, they will have more energy.

And so for Aries this week, we suggest that you spend the next few days sleeping and resting as much as possible so that your energy is returned toward the end of the week. This week for Aries is about proper energy management — figuring out how to best utilize the limited amounts of energy that you have for your benefit so that you don’t feel burned out and don’t feel as if you are straining yourself.

For Aries this week, we suggest resting, sleeping, and doing low-energy activities. That is all.


Taurus will find that this week, they’re a bit more irritable than normal. They will find the need to be combative and even argumentative this week and when asked to do certain tasks, they may feel a bit more frustrated than usual. The reason for this is Taurus wants to keep their eyes on their prize. However this week, Taurus has associated minor disruptions and the asking of favors as major derailments from their current path.

As a result, Taurus may respond in outbursts that are deemed uncharacteristic or even disproportionate to what has been requested of them. This is because they are in an energy of feeling fiercely protective over their intellectual property, projects, or the direction they have decided to go in. As such, any inkling that can be perceived as a derailment is met with hostility. This week, Taurus is learning how to be focused and dedicated, but without the need for stubbornness and aggression.

For Taurus this week, we suggest making pastries and eating toast with jam. That is all.


Geminis are experiencing energetic upgrades this week. Some will experience heart expansions, while others will feel chills as they go to sleep. Some will go to sleep feeling anxious but wake up feeling blissful. Geminis are quantum leaping as they find strength in speaking — speaking to bring forth their reality. From the past week of doing so — asking for what they need and speaking positivity over their lives — Geminis are opening themselves up to experience more of themselves and what is meant for them.

This week, we urge Geminis to focus on speaking about experiences they wish to have. This week is a continued week of encountering an uptick in forward movement. Many Geminis will find that what they’ve been asking for lands at their front door this week, very excitedly.

For Geminis this week, we suggest creating a list, praying, and making a vision board. That is all.


Cancer this week is freeing themselves from an expectation that has been weighing on them for some time. For many Cancers, they didn’t realize the impact this expectation has had on them. But this week, they’re not only recognizing it but taking active steps to release themselves from it.

Some Cancers are likely to struggle with this and will find reasons to hold on to this expectation, as the need to please outweighs their need for change. Those Cancers are likely to experience headaches, anxiety, and bouts of frustration this week. Their need to hold on to expectations creates more frustration and disruption, feeding into an inability to fully separate oneself from the need to cater to another.

And so, for this week, we suggest Cancers engage in paper crafting projects and then cut them up, try scrapbooking, and drink a milkshake. That is all.


Leos are finding themselves scorned this week. This is because they are likely to experience an instance where something they wanted has fallen through. This isn’t because their wants and desires have been unheard, but because the timing is just not right. Many Leos have found that what they are asking for has had delays in timing because it is not correctly in line with what the heart needs. And so this week is about getting in touch with the heart, Leo.

Many Leos will find that through this delay, what they were asking for isn’t actually what they care about having. Once that realization hits, the need to pursue this avenue will feel less satisfying and less urgent, allowing another avenue to open up toward the end of the week.

For Leo this week, we suggest eating green foods such as kale, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, writing poetry, and stargazing. That is all.


Virgos this week are getting a bit of an attitude adjustment, as many have started to feel a bit cranky or antsy. Many Virgos have felt uncomfortable over the past week when it came to asking for what they needed. For the Virgos who felt uncomfortable and decided not to ask for what they need, they are being placed in a position this week where they will have to ask for what they need. The avoidance of doing so is no longer beneficial for them. It wasn’t before, but it definitely isn’t now.

And so, for Virgos this week, they are learning how to disregard pride and ego to acquire the resources, support, and desires that would ultimately be most beneficial to them. They are learning that they are part of a team when it comes to achieving their desires. Sometimes the team isn’t necessarily friends or family, but spiritual.

For Virgos, using discernment on who and what to ask, and discerning whether or not they are even allowing themselves to ask, will be important this week. The Virgos who have been asking will find that they continue to receive what they need, so they should continue to do so.

For Virgos this week, we suggest walking a total of 3 to 5 miles, listening to rock music, and praying. That is all.


Libras are likely to experience an epiphany this week, where it’ll feel as if certain moments of their past and present have aligned perfectly to inspire a glimpse into their future. For the past few weeks, Libras have been calculating, readjusting, experimenting, and trying new ways to utilize their talents to make money, grow an audience, and express themselves. This week for Libras, they’re picking up the pieces of where they have been to make the full picture of where they’re going.

This week for Libra is about embracing an awareness that will lead them to the full expression of their future. These epiphanies are likely to happen when Libra is the busiest this week. Because of this, Libras are urged to take note of the new thought patterns that are emerging from this epiphany.

For Libras this week, we suggest journaling. That is all.


Scorpios are another sign likely to be tired this week. There is less of a need to slow down and more of a need for them to fully emotionally process experiences that have been accumulating. So, for many Scorpios this week, they will find the need to express their emotional turmoils. Many will seek therapy or psychiatrists, while others will seek healing through philosophical or spiritual means.

This week for Scorpios is about readjusting to recognize the versions of themselves that have been traumatized, and through the recognition of this trauma, figuring out what to do with it. This energy has been waiting to be released for quite some time for Scorpios, and this is the week to do it.

For Scorpios, we suggest crying, meditating, and cooking. That is all.


Sagittarius is returning to square one. The last few weeks, they’ve been distracted by things that were shiny, beautiful, and seemed to be better than what they were experiencing, so this week is when they realize that where they are is a lot more beautiful and aligned than where they thought they should have been.

So for Sagittarius, this week is about fully appreciating their present moment and recognizing ways to capitalize on and amplify their enjoyment of the present — to grow and catapult into a better version of it.

For Sagittarius this week, we suggest eating animal crackers, going to a zoo, and playing with animals. That is all.


Capricorns are the favorite this week. They’ve been experiencing quite a few lows for the past few weeks but have persevered leading into this week. Capricorns are finding that they’re in the process of rebuilding and restructuring — and they are taking their time doing so. Through the frustrations of derailments that have occurred, they’ve learned to continue constructing for themselves without the need or desire to rush.

Capricorns will find that their progress moves forward swiftly this week, so they can appreciate quicker movement and more aligned action for themselves.

For Capricorns this week, we suggest eating honey, watching shows and videos about bees, and drinking warm water with honey in the morning. That is all.


This week, Aquarius is likely to feel a bit disconnected from reality. They may feel as if they’re living in some sort of simulation, with the way they interact with their environment and how their environment interacts with them. Aquarians are likely to experience instances of deja vu and synchronization experiences. Many Aquarians may find themselves hearing the same repeated phrases two or more times a day this week.

This feeling of being in a simulation or video game is likely to inspire them to take more and bolder chances, as consequences wouldn’t matter as much if they were indeed in a simulation or video game. So, for Aquarius this week, they are embodying this energy of superseding consequence to achieve what they want.

For Aquarius this week, we suggest playing video games, especially those involving artificial intelligence in the storyline, playing The Sims, and watching movies about robots. That is all.


Pisces is continuing in its pursuit of experiencing miracles. Much of what Pisces has been speaking about has been coming to fruition, similar to Gemini. However, for Pisces, their instruction in asking for what they want or need is shaped more by their environment and sudden inspiration. This week, Pisces is learning to ask for what they want through sudden inspirations presented to them in the flow of life.

Instead of asking for what they need based on what they lack or have planned for themselves, Pisces will find it important to allow ideas to come in the moment. For instance, encountering a deer might inspire a desire to experience more states of innocence or to fully embody their innocent, doe-eyed nature. Through this sudden realization, they ask for and pursue this innocence, experiencing more innocent-like embodiments.

For Pisces this week, we suggest watching a magic show, baking a cake, and listening to the trees. That is all.

Final Remarks

Me: Okay. Thank you so much, Records.

Records: You are very welcome, Mikaila.

Me: Okay, so let’s go ahead and channel the final remark for the week, for the collective?

Records: Ask for what you need. Ask for what you need. Ask for what you need. Ask for what you need. Ask for what you need. Ask for what you need. Ask for what you need. Ask for what you need. Ask for what you need. Ask for what you need. Ask for what you need.

This week continues with the energy of asking for what you need. However, we suggest being more assertive about it, especially since many people have been feeling timid and uncertain about whether asking for their needs will yield results. Therefore, this week, we recommend not just asking but demanding what you need and justifying why it is necessary. This is a week to assert yourself, to articulate how certain things will improve your life, and to explain the impact of not having them. Rather than solely relying on heartfelt requests, this week requires evidence and justification. Express how much of a difference it will make to finally have what’s beneficial for you.

There will be more things that are demanding your attention, such as more crying babies. Disadvantaged children. Displaced children. Harmed children. Missing adults. Endangered species. Fire breakouts. Arguments. Lost animals and pets. Help wanted signs, etc.

There are many things that are going to be calling for your attention at once, whether it be through social media or through your day-to-day life. It is likely that your eyes are going to be drawn to more advertisements, more displays calling for help, calling for your money, calling for your time, calling for your voice. And because this is likely to happen collectively, as a result, the collective can feel a bit more tired, a bit more exhausted, and a bit more confused as to where to direct their attention this week. We suggest directing your attention to demanding what it is you need in order to combat what is being demanded of you.

And if you take the advice of asking — demanding — what it is that you need, not only are you adding to the cacophony of stories being shared, but you are allowing there to be a sense of urgency to grant wishes, wants, desires, needs, and cries for help. Because when so many people are asking for things at once — and loudly — many things are granted. Many wishes are granted.

And so for this week, we suggest you ask, ask, ask, ask, ask, ask. Demand demand, demand, demand, demand, demand what it is you need. Demand what it is you need. Demand what it is you need. Demand what it is you need. More people need to demand what it is that they need. That is all.

Me: Okay. Thank you so much.

Records: You are very welcome, Mikaila. As always.

You heard them! That is all. Check back in next week for the next Akashic Reminder! I am currently offering readings via my website in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!

As always, thank you for reading. I love you.



Mikaila Simone
New Earth Consciousness

Akashic Reminder onTues/Weds! I write with my heart. I write about human circumstance. like to tip? $mikailasimone My links: