The Akashic Reminder — 7.23–7.30

What to Expect for the Week According to the Akashic Records

Mikaila Simone
New Earth Consciousness


Photo Credit: Mikaila Simone

The Akashic Records is a database that holds detailed descriptions of every feeling, action, and energetic imprint that has existed across the galaxies, across the universe, and across lifetimes. Some mention it as a Library of Memories, The Great Library, or, as the Bible has referred to it: The Book of Life. All are correct.

Located deep within the Heart space of a person, the Akashic Records is a place where information is kept, guarded, and transmitted. It is a database that holds the history of your soul and every decision it has made during its lifespan across millennia. This information does not belong to any one religion, culture, or species. It does not discriminate and it does not judge. Once accessed, the information is channeled through trusted sources (practitioners and otherwise) that would then convey the information exactly as communicated.

Hello, I am Mikaila and I am an Akashic Records Practitioner. If you’d like to know more info on what the Akashic Records are, here is a FAQ page that I wrote explaining all about them. I decided to start a new project in conjunction with the Akashic Records, called The Akashic Reminder. Through this, I will be giving weekly updates and overall news and offerings related to the Akasha! Sidenote: If you have any questions in regard to the Akasha, reply in a comment below and I’ll answer in my next post!

For this post, I’ll be channeling information for the Zodiac signs on what they should expect their upcoming week to look like. This is for the week of: 7/23/24–7/30/24.

Stay tuned for their final remarks at the end!

I am currently offering readings via my website in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!

The Question I asked was: What can the Zodiac signs expect for the week of July 23rd going into July 30th? (Apply to Sun, Moon, and/or Rising only.)

The Records’ Answers are as follows:


Aries this week can expect to put something on the back burner. Many Aries have found that multiple opportunities have sprung up for them over the past week, forcing them to prioritize something that is more pressing than others. The things they decide to put on the back burner are likely to be things that would not yield immediate or beneficial results. This week is about discerning what needs to be set aside for the time being. This isn’t to say that these things need to be put away for an extended period, but at least for now, it is not beneficial to focus on them. These things are likely to come back up around the end of the year. The things you decide to focus on, Aries, will determine how your week goes.

To figure out what is best for you, we suggest experimenting by focusing on one thing for two days, another thing for another two days, and spending the remaining three days figuring out which is best to put away for now. Doing this will help you navigate into the beginning of next month, providing clarity of focus. Especially since last week, you were deciding whether to stay or break down a barrier, this week’s choices are amplified by the necessity of prioritization.

For this week, Aries, we suggest organizing your workspace. That is all.


Taurus. Taurus. Taurus. What can we say? Many of you have been experiencing bouts of emotional upheaval, whether stemming from internal frustration or moments of uncertainty. But this week, you have strangely found a bit of clarity — likely because of the advice you’ve sought out or received. For those of you who’ve decided not to seek out advice, we urge you to do so this week, as you are a bit behind your fellow Taurus placements who have.

Those who have sought advice this week are likely feeling that this clarity has helped them narrow down what is actually important and decide what will make the most impact moving forward. It has allowed them the change in perspective needed to discern and address certain factors in their life that have been overlooked and misaligned.

And so, for this, we applaud you, Taurus, as this new level of discernment and clarity is helping you move forward quite well this week. We suggest that you embrace this new energy.

For Taurus this week, we suggest doing jump rope and making up a handshake with someone. That is all.


This is a good week for laughter for Geminis, especially as they are coming out of a sluggish energy from the past week. Finding ways to make themselves and those around them laugh will be the best for inviting new people into their lives and garnering support for their business endeavors. The more that Geminis are able to make light and fun of their experiences this week, the more they will become magnetic and find that these experiences offer them a much-needed reprieve from the exhaustion and stressors of the outside world.

While many things are going on at once and vying for your attention this week, Gemini, prioritizing laughter will be the most important. It will help you relieve stress and likely help you problem-solve. Should an unfavorable situation arise, which is likely to happen for about 20% of you, laughter will be the best medicine for everything.

For Geminis this week, we suggest watching comedy shows and doing impersonations of people. That is all.


Cancer is the favorite this week. Hurray! Cancer is likely to feel shortchanged or disrespected in some way. They may feel as if someone in their environment doesn’t fully appreciate the value they offer. However, Cancer is likely to overcome this situation either through the assertion of boundaries or the removal of this person. They are deciding to overcome this situation by understanding and protecting their own sense of value.

As a result, this situation will likely lead to another that is quite beneficial — simply because they have decided to speak up and choose something else. Their clarity of choice and ability to move on to something more beneficial will be the guiding light for Cancers this week, ushering them into a new space where they are happier and in the company of those who wish to protect and recognize their value.

So for this week, we suggest staying true to exactly what you want for yourself, Cancer. Do not waver. We also suggest watching the movie “Brave.” That is all.


This is another exciting week for Leo. Their ability to accept comfort from their surroundings last week is ushering them into a space of capitalizing on that comfort. This week, their ability to open their minds to support that was previously undervalued or unrecognized is allowing them to be in a space of celebration, especially as their birthdays are here.

Leos are likely to encounter instances where they are praised for certain behaviors — receiving some sort of promotion or reward for their work and efforts. Leos can expect another week of excitement simply because they have put in the work. For some Leos, putting in the work was simply deciding to show up.

For Leos this week, we suggest buying a new perfume or cologne and enjoying a spa day. That is all.


Virgos this week are encountering a bump in the road. There’s likely to be a situation that arises that demands their attention, and they must decide whether to slow down to address it or keep going in hopes that it will resolve itself. For many, this will resolve itself without further interference. However, for some, extra attention needs to be paid to this issue, as it could create more complications if ignored.

For Virgos, this week is about figuring out: when is the right time to stop? When is the right time to turn around? When is the right time to keep going? Addressing the problem from the angle of: What does this problem need from me? What does this problem say about me? What does this problem think is the best possible angle to look at it from? Removing your own perspective and shifting it to understand the problem better will help you overcome and work through it.

For Virgos this week, we suggest watching the movie “Clueless” and eating peppermints. That is all.


I’m being pulled in a new direction. And I think I like it. I think I like it. — “Pulled,” The Addams Family Musical

Listen to the signs this week, Libra, as you are being pulled in a brand new direction. You are being told to halt and readjust because there is likely something you have missed. This isn’t to say that there is anything wrong with where you are, but that there has been something you have passed along the way that would be more beneficial if you were to pick it back up and take it with you. In this readjustment period, you will find that you are much happier incorporating this old idea into your current path.

We suggest for Libras to keep an open mind about what they want to pursue. If you are confused in any way about what to expect, by the end of the week you will likely reach that sense of clarity. To help speed up this process, share a few different ideas with trusted individuals. Once you see someone light up or tell you how good of an idea it is, you will know this is the one to pursue.

For some, this isn’t necessarily an idea, but a person. Maybe there is a person you have left behind that needs to be picked back up. We do not advise returning to those who have been harmful, but rather figure out whether a situation you left was abandoned prematurely or unjustly. Some Libras will find they are returning to situations with people who have been crossing their mind lately. In returning to these people, they are reaching new ground to move forward, giving and receiving apologies, working things out, and trying again. This does not have to be romantic but can be platonic as well.

Some Libras are finding that it is best to work with someone, while others are finding that their work does not involve a person at all but instead involves a feeling. A feeling that has been overlooked or forgotten. Returning to that feeling of wonder, passion, or excitement is the fuel they need to move forward.

To conclude, some Libras will find that they have passed an idea, some will find they have passed a person, and some will find they have passed a feeling. Revisiting either one of these is likely to bring new insight into how to move forward in a manner that is more aligned with their current path.

We wish you much discernment, peace, and protection. Asking others for advice and their opinions would be quite beneficial for you this week. This week for Libras, we suggest nothing. That is all.


There is a sense of entitlement emerging from Scorpios this week. This sense of entitlement is not necessarily unwarranted, as it likely stems from them feeling slighted and frustrated — especially regarding the lack of recognition of talents. This feeling may be tied to a lack of acknowledgment, praise, or admiration for what you have contributed — particularly if you believe your work has been stolen or repackaged by others.

This week, Scorpios may experience a need to call out those who have taken from them or a need to assert their dominance over a particular subject, idea, or area of work. This sense of entitlement is driving Scorpios to stand up more for themselves, especially since last week’s emphasis on relaxation did not fully take root. Many Scorpios have opted to push harder, and the results of this effort are likely to manifest over the next few weeks.

For now, this entitlement is helping Scorpios reach a new level of self-acceptance and recognition from their peers. Expect to see Scorpios being loud, proud, brash, and unapologetic this week.

To support this, we suggest reading a book, any book. That is all.


We almost didn’t give you a message this week, Sagittarius. Not because you don’t need it, but because there’s so much going on for you that it’s challenging to cover everything in one paragraph. So, for this week, we have a message that is a bit different from that of the others’. We’ll list various things you might encounter — some may apply to you, and many may not:

  • New car
  • Plush toy
  • Torn pillow
  • Carpet stain
  • Shapes in fogging mirrors
  • Reunion of enemies
  • False accusation
  • Fire
  • Runny nose
  • Book signing
  • Glass breaking
  • Beach imagery
  • Sandy cheeks
  • Tornado
  • Crying baby
  • Autograph

This week, Sagittarius, you’re likely to experience at least two of these events, though some of you might encounter about 50% of what we’ve listed. It’s shaping up to be a wild card week for you, so we suggest expecting the unexpected. And we would also like to add another phrase: lottery.

To navigate this unpredictability, we suggest seeking clarity through meditation. That is all.


Capricorn, this week is all about throwing things at the ceiling and seeing what sticks. There’s been a brewing sense of frustration, especially over the past few months, and this week is likely to bring it to the surface. Many Capricorns have felt the pressure of overproduction and the heightened expectation to be someone worthy of respect — rather than believing in their inherent worth. This is culminating into a sense of dissatisfaction, unrest, and restlessness.

You might feel a strong sense of insecurity or uncertainty about what to do about where you stand in your life. And so in order to resolve this, Capricorn is likely to put their eggs in many baskets this week, trying many different things to see what works best. This is good. By the end of the week, Capricorn is likely to gain significant clarity in areas that were previously misunderstood.

For Capricorns this week, we suggest playing hopscotch and folding origami, making cranes. That is all.


Sometimes, Aquarius, it’s best to just sit down and wait. This week, Aquarius is likely to experience a period of giving up, taking a break, and simply resting. There has been a lot happening for Aquarius over the past few months — confusion, distraction, frustration — much like Capricorn. However, Aquarius has been juggling these issues, trying to sort, discern, throw out, reconfigure, reinstate, and remove, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

So, Aquarius, this week is about learning that sitting down and taking a break might be the best course of action. Taking the time to take the time. That is all.


Pisces, this week you are likely to encounter instances of jealousy — whether it’s jealousy of things you can’t have, haven’t had, or think you should have by now. Other Pisces are likely to experience jealousy from others. This division in your experience is likely to culminate in a broader understanding of how to navigate jealousy as a whole.

For those who are the target of jealousy, are you deciding to hide or to shine brighter, capitalizing on the energy directed toward you? For Pisces expressing jealousy, are you deciding to stay frustrated, stay unworthy, or are you deciding to level up and demand what it is you want out of your life?

There is no right or wrong answer, since it is simply your experience. But for Pisces, this experience of jealousy tells the story of: What do you deem to be valuable and what do others deem to be valuable in you? Knowing this information is quite important for your path forward. What is valuable? What do others see in you, and what do you see in others? And how will you utilize this information — to improve and to grow or to shrink and to cower?

For Pisces this week, we suggest long walks. That is all.

Final Remarks

Me: Okay. Thank you so much.

Records: You’re welcome. Mikaila, as always.

Me: All right, so what are your final remarks on what the collective can expect for this upcoming week?

Records: Discernment. Discernment is going to be the most useful and important tool for the upcoming week and into the rest of the year. The reason why is that with the Jupiter in Gemini transit, the increase in misinformation, confusion, distraction, and targeting is likely to cause much chaos, disruption, and scattered thinking.

It is likely to cause issues where camaraderie and believing yourself to be truly connected to someone — to your neighbor, to your friends, to your family — is infiltrated, creating an overturn not only in the local and worldwide governments but also within communities.

A sense of discomfort and distrust on whether or not your partner, your friend, your lover, your acquaintance, or your boss would be someone who believes your rights should be taken away. Are they someone who believes you to be a burden on society? Do they believe you to be someone who does not belong in the current world?

And so discernment is being pushed this week, as it is the most important tool when it comes to navigating the political and spiritual climates for this week. Discern, discern, discern. Decide what is right for you. Figure out what is right for you to do.

There will be many things this week that are demanding your attention, just like we have announced before. But this week, it was upgraded. So discerning what is important for you to hold onto in order to keep going, to be in alignment, and to stay truthful to yourself is going to be the most important thing this week.

We urge you to continue demanding what it is you want for yourself, and also discerning whether or not what you are demanding is actually what you need. Continue deciding whether or not those who you have in your life are people that believe you, your family, or your friends should have rights.

This is a good week also to start thinking about the future because, as we all know, the future is changing. It is shifting. This is not necessarily something to be afraid of, but to be aware of.

Know that what you’re comfortable with now may be something that you miss tomorrow. And so again, discerning what it is you want for your life and whom you would entrust with your life moving forward is important.

If there is no one you can trust, why is that? What is it within you that is so distrustful that you cannot reach out to someone for help? What is it within you that is so untrustworthy, that it creates the sense of distrust within others?

This is not a space where you can be alone. This is not a space where you can be unattached, detached. This is a space where leaning on, connecting with, supporting, loving on, caring for, and being there for each other is important. This is how you develop communities and curate safe spaces that will provide the protection you need moving forward. This isn’t to say that there is a current danger to be protected from, but more so to say everyone needs protection. And it is discernment that is going to help you align with it.

And so for this week for the spiritualists, we suggest practicing energetic protection. For those who are not spiritual, we suggest safeguarding and realignment. We mentioned this before, but many spiritualists are likely to gain larger platforms as a result of this confusion and chaos. This week is another week of that occurring.

This week, leading into the beginning of August is likely to sprout forth experiences of reconnecting with those who have been lost to you — whether it be people or ideas. And also, there is a theme of removing those who should be lost to you. Many have already been experiencing it, but this is likely to be increased over the next few weeks.

Especially this week, you are likely to hear more stories about friendships going sour, partnerships being tested in ways that are scary and often violent, family crimes that are unshakeable, and business dealings that have been infiltrated by scams, greed and rivalry. This week, many people will find that they cannot trust those who they deal with.

They cannot trust those who they’ve trusted before, and instead will find the need to rely on a stranger. And so this is where discernment comes into play. Discerning whether or not those close to you are worthy of your trust is just as important as figuring out what you will eat for the day. It all adds up to survival.

We have said a lot.

As far as the political climate currently, we suggest that you do not panic as that does not help. Simply rest, wait, and watch. More is to come. More is to be expected. And more is to be witnessed. For now, work on sharpening your skills of prioritization and discernment.

You are smart, you are intelligent, and you are in control of your own selves. Believe that. Embrace that. Weaponize that. That is all.

Me: Intense.

Records: Very.

You heard them! That is all. Check back in next week for the next Akashic Reminder! I am currently offering readings via my website in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!

As always, thank you for reading. I love you.



Mikaila Simone
New Earth Consciousness

Akashic Reminder onTues/Weds! I write with my heart. I write about human circumstance. like to tip? $mikailasimone My links: