The Akashic Reminder — 7.30–8.6

What to Expect for the Week According to the Akashic Records

Mikaila Simone
New Earth Consciousness


Photo Credit: Mikaila Simone

The Akashic Records is a database that holds detailed descriptions of every feeling, action, and energetic imprint that has existed across the galaxies, across the universe, and across lifetimes. Some mention it as a Library of Memories, The Great Library, or, as the Bible has referred to it: The Book of Life. All are correct.

Located deep within the Heart space of a person, the Akashic Records is a place where information is kept, guarded, and transmitted. It is a database that holds the history of your soul and every decision it has made during its lifespan across millennia. This information does not belong to any one religion, culture, or species. It does not discriminate and it does not judge. Once accessed, the information is channeled through trusted sources (practitioners and otherwise) that would then convey the information exactly as communicated.

Hello, I am Mikaila and I am an Akashic Records Practitioner. If you’d like to know more info on what the Akashic Records are, here is a FAQ page that I wrote explaining all about them. I decided to start a new project in conjunction with the Akashic Records, called The Akashic Reminder. Through this, I will be giving weekly updates and overall news and offerings related to the Akasha! Sidenote: If you have any questions in regard to the Akasha, reply in a comment below and I’ll answer in my next post!

For this post, I’ll be channeling information for the Zodiac signs on what they should expect their upcoming week to look like. This is for the week of: 7/30/24–8/6/24.

Stay tuned for their final remarks at the end!

I am currently offering readings via my website in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!

The Question I asked was: What can the Zodiac signs expect for the week of July 30th going into August 6th, given that we have a Leo New Moon on August 4th? (Apply to Sun, Moon, and/or Rising only.)

The Records’ Answers are as follows:


Get your pitchforks sharpened and ready, Aries, as this week you are likely going into battle. Many of you will find that something really grinds your gears this week, Aries. And so, with this, you will likely feel the need to be combative, especially when it comes to engaging in arguments with people who have presented you as something that you feel is not identifiable to you.

To be more clear, Aries this week is likely to experience an instance where someone is either lying to them, on them, or about them. Many Aries will experience an instance where someone has claimed they’ve said something, and it is untrue. Many will experience instances where someone becomes more aggressive toward them than normal.

Many people are feeling emboldened against Aries this week, so Aries should try to find a way to work out the differences. For many Aries, this is likely to result in some sort of combativeness. And so, this is why we say sharpen your pitchforks as you will need them. Many Aries this week will find themselves having to be defensive for themselves or for somebody that they love. This can be an argument over a parking spot or something more extreme.

However this plays out for you, Aries, we suggest that you get ready, and if you are deciding preemptively that you would like not to go into battle, we suggest burning candles with a lavender scent so that you’re able to keep the peace a bit more.

For Aries this week, we suggest burning or smelling lavender or buying new knives. That is all.


Taurus is being asked to stop and smell the roses. Taurus has been preoccupied with what has not been showing up in their lives, rather than what they actually have. And so, for Taurus this week, they are being asked to reassess themselves, where they are, and what they have already accomplished thus far.

Many of them are being asked to be more grateful. This echoes a message from a previous week, as from then until now, there has been some misdirection and miscalculation in alignment. To ensure they are on track for what they want out of life this year, it is highly advised that Taurus stop to smell the roses, and be more appreciative of the things and people currently in their lives.

It is likely that many Taurus placements are overlooking what has been gifted to them or given to them either for free or for pennies compared to what others would be charged. Overall, for Taurus this week, if they want to see change, they must change their perspective.

This week for Taurus, we suggest creating a gratitude list and a mood board for the emotions and experiences they would like to have. That is all.


Last week didn’t go as well as planned, did it, Gemini? We understand that there has been more frustration than normal erupting within you, especially regarding plans that have been fumbled, misalignments, items going missing, or things being destroyed. You may feel unbalanced or misaligned. You are not wrong, Gemini.

However this week, you can expect to find ways to realign yourself. This isn’t to say that this will fix everything that happened last week, but rather to say that this is another avenue for more aligned energies to take root. What we mean is that this week is likely to bring surprises, both positive and negative. These surprises are likely due to how and what you think.

Your thought processes are manifesting rapidly. For this week, it is highly encouraged that you learn to think more positively than in previous weeks. Last week, we suggested finding ways to make yourself and other people laugh. This is also a good idea for this week, as the more you stay positive, the quicker the frustrations from last week and this week will be resolved.

Brace for the unexpected, Geminis. However, when experiencing the unexpected, try to keep a happy mind about it, as things will work out as long as you stay uplifted. This is a great week to treat what you experience as a complete joke. Find the funny in the unfunny.

For Geminis this week, we suggest jumping on a trampoline, watching comedy specials, and playing tag. That is all.


Cancer is finding their courage this week. They are finding the courage to speak out about something that has been ruminating in their mind for a while. This doesn’t necessarily have to be positive or negative, but they are learning that there is something they should have addressed earlier. Many have been thinking about this for months to years, while others have thought about it before but forgotten that they wanted to speak about it. This week is the optimum time for them to do so.

Cancers are likely to encounter an instance where speaking up about how they truly feel on a situation is what matters the most and creates the most change quickly. The way you are able to convey your perspective on a topic is what changes people’s minds and gives you what you want this week, Cancer. Being honest about how you feel and being bold about what you want out of this exchange is what will make all the difference in your life this week.

For Cancers this week, we suggest practicing saying what you need to say, writing down talking points, and connecting to the emotional impact of your message. That is all.


The new moon is happening in your sign, Leo. And it is also your birthday. Happy birthday again. For this week, Leos are encountering moments of exceptional praise and excitement. This is capitalizing on the energy of last week.

Many Leos will likely be approached about certain promotions, awards, or opportunities that would help them to catapult into their new level of being. You are being given much favor this week, and we suggest that Leos find ways to enjoy it. Truly allow your sun to shine.

And so for Leos this week, we suggest getting a tan, spending time outside, and smiling more. That is all.


Virgos this week have a decision to make. Like we said in a message months ago, they have yet again reached another point of deciding what they wish their life to be like. Many Virgos have been caught in a cycle of maximizing and minimizing — growing just to disintegrate, succeeding just to sabotage.

This week, Virgos are being presented with decisions that will lead them to either grow more or sabotage more. To give you a hint on which is which, what you are used to is not what is in alignment. Many Virgos are being asked to try something new, do something new, even if they aren’t quite clear on the outcome — and especially because they aren’t quite clear on the outcome.

Many Virgos are being asked to move or stay, quit or continue, love or break up, buy or ignore. These decisions for Virgos will be greatly impactful over the next month, as choosing things that are misaligned can take a while to resolve. For Virgos this week, the pressure is on. Are you ready to be happy? Are you ready to face a life of enjoyment? Even if you are not, that is perfectly fine.

For Virgos this week, we suggest pottery and sewing. That is all.


Libras this week are trying to find their balance. While this statement may seem a bit too on the nose, this is likely to be quite literal. Some Libras are to experience symptoms of imbalance. Some may find that this week, they’re a bit clumsier than normal — dropping things, feeling a bit more confused, tripping, etc.

If you are a Libra placement experiencing these things, there is not much need to worry, as currently you are processing energies that have kept you teetering for a while in a state that resembles balance but is actually quite difficult and frustrating to maintain. Through this confusion and imbalance, Libras are likely to figure out exactly what they need to keep true balance.

Some Libras are doing too much for others and not enough for themselves, while others are doing too much for themselves and not enough for others. The more they are able to find this balance this week, the more they will notice an increase in the areas of financial opportunity and spiritual wellness. Many Libras are experiencing imbalance when it comes to financial and creative endeavors, just to give a hint. The more extreme the imbalance, the more extreme the symptoms are likely to be.

For Libras this week, we suggest skateboarding, bike riding, and yoga. That is all.


Scorpios need to cry this week. Scorpios are experiencing a bit of emotional overwhelm, and by the time the new moon arrives in Leo, they are likely to realize what it is that needs purging. And while new moons don’t necessarily align with the energy of purging, if Scorpios were to purge and cry during this new moon they’d likely feel a lot lighter and a lot happier. Many Scorpios are accumulating a bit of frustration within them because of ideas that have been miscalculated, outcomes that have not been aligned, and ailments that have been experienced.

And so for Scorpios, they are likely to experience instances where they feel as if they are at their wit’s end, as if they cannot take one more “______,” one more experience of “_____.” One more loss.

And so for Scorpios this week, the light at the end of the tunnel comes after you cry, after you express the immense sense of emotional purging that has been building up within you.

So for Scorpios this week, we suggest crying, crying, crying, crying, crying. That is all.


Sagittarius is the favorite for this week. This week, Sagittarius is deciding to start over on something they’ve been thinking about but haven’t fully committed to. This new chance to start over is likely to result in advancements they have not seen or experienced before.

This week is about laying the foundation of this new start, and the new moon in Leo is quite beneficial for that. Sagittarius is likely to encounter an instance where confessing that you are a beginner or starting over to those around you helps bring in support so that you can make it to the next level easier. We greatly encourage this.

For Sagittarius this week, we suggest writing a list of what you would like to experience during this restart. That is all.


Capricorn is solving a mystery this week. Many are experiencing some sort of confusion, some sort of loss, or some sort of imbalance in power dynamic. This is creating a mystery to solve. How does this get corrected? How can clarity be reached? How does this become balanced, even, and fair?

So for Capricorn, finding the answers to these questions is going to be monumental to their experience of this week going forward and under the new moon. How does Capricorn make use of the time that has been invested so far, while also capitalizing on the answers to the mysteries that were found? Finding ways to navigate this week by answering the questions, and also combining those answers with what you have already been doing is how you make the most out of this week.

For Capricorns this week, we suggest playing Clue, playing Sudoku, and playing Tic Tac Toe. That is all.


Aquarius is being distracted by background noise this week. They are finding that their attention span has been shortened, so they’re likely finding it harder to focus and stay present in the moment. What is left of their attention is being drawn to unlikely and, in some ways, uncomfortable areas.

Aquarius this week is likely to experience an instance where their lack of attention costs them. Whether it be they are distracted while driving which causes a crash, while making an important decision so they make a harmful one, or while being called on in class and are unprepared.

For a small portion of Aquarius, their attention is being drawn to something that would be more beneficial to them should they pursue it. Of course, discerning between the two is most important for Aquarius this week, and the Leo new moon on the 4th should help with that.

For Aquarius this week, we suggest using eucalyptus-scented soap, cleaning behind your ears, and watching a wrestling match. That is all.


Pisces is likely to experience a light bulb moment this week. At one moment, things could’ve felt cloudy, dim, and uninteresting, and the next, they can clearly see that they are surrounded by valleys, waterfalls, trees, and animals.

This light bulb moment is crucial for Pisces’ growth this week and into the next month, as it is helping them to realign with their path. This Leo Moon is providing that perspective shift. In embracing this perspective, Pisces will find that there is treasure in the most unlikely of places.

For Pisces this week, we suggest praying to reveal the things you cannot see. That is all.

Final Remarks

Me: Wow. I’m surprised. Okay, thank you for that.

Records: You’re very welcome, Mikaila.

Me: All right, so do you have any final remarks for the collective for this week? And can you also add in any extra messages for the Leo New Moon as well?

Records: Overall, for the collective, this week is about pride — about how the collective deals with emotional upheaval as a result of the amplification or rejection of prideful occurrences. Some will find their pride under attack, or things they have been prideful about being under attack. Others will find they’re being uplifted in some way, helping them to take more pride in themselves, their appearances, their behaviors, etc.

Many in the collective are experiencing a desire to be part of something, to belong to a team, an organization, a group, a club. This week, many will express the want, the need, the desire to belong to someone, to belong somewhere. As we’ve said before, however, there is a need for increased discernment, as the growing need to be involved is likely to be exploited in the coming weeks.

The key point is that while many are expressing the desire to be part of something, they are not necessarily realizing that to be part of something, they have to be for people. They have to be for people in their entirety. It does not work to be in a community if you are only for yourself, as no one in the community would want to be for you. It is a reciprocal energy. Signs like Libra, Aries, Aquarius, and Leo are finding ways to be supported by, comforted by, and supportive of their communities this week, whether their community is of two people or a million.

If you are not part of the signs mentioned, you are experiencing the desire to be part of something bigger simply because it is time for you to be part of something bigger. The experience of separation that has been the result of COVID, isolation, and misaligned values is disintegrating. This desire to connect and collaborate is being amplified within the collective.

However, many in the collective feel there is no way for them to be involved in something bigger than themselves. Many are experiencing detachment from others, feeling as if they are too cold or too untrusting to form safe and comfortable relationships.

Many are reeling from wounds of their pasts, whether in romantic partnerships, friendships, community organizations, etc. Many are remembering these wounds and allowing it to keep them from connecting to others.

For spiritual practitioners, we especially suggest offering services over the next month of August that will help align individual members with those who are part of their “soul tribe.” We suggest services geared toward healing and addressing communal traumatic experiences so that these individuals can take the first step in learning how to be part of a community and a found family of sorts.

Overall, with this Leo New Moon, it is about figuring out how to shine within the collective, how to take part in something bigger while maintaining individuality. These themes are likely to recur over this week and the month of August as well. How do you be yourself without losing bits of your being to the masses? How do you remain an individual in the masses without needing to be inconsiderate and unsupportive of others?

This is the dilemma the collective is dealing with, especially as the Olympics occur. How do you find ways to celebrate even when others are suffering? How do you use this energy of celebration to mitigate and address the suffering of others? This is the challenge for this week and ongoing. That is all we have to say for now, Mikaila.

Me: Thank you so much.

Records: You are very welcome, Mikaila, as always.

You heard them! That is all. Check back in next week for the next Akashic Reminder! I am currently offering readings via my website in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!

If you’ve read this far, you’re in luck! For the month of August, I’m doing a discount to celebrate the end of Summer. Use Code SUMMER for 15% off all readings now until August 31, 2024.

As always, thank you for reading. I love you.



Mikaila Simone
New Earth Consciousness

Akashic Reminder onTues/Weds! I write with my heart. I write about human circumstance. like to tip? $mikailasimone My links: