The Anatomy of Being

An insight into the nature of human existence

Henry Muli
New Earth Consciousness
5 min readAug 12, 2022


Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

Who are you? What are you? How are you built, and how do you look like?

Existential questions like these form an important starting point for all understanding. For there can never be answers without questions.

This piece here talks about The Anatomy of Being from my view point. Take note as you read through this that it is not a conclusive rendering of the nature of our being.

I believe that since we are here to discover what we are, we will always evolve and discover something new about ourselves… Nothing is ever set in stone, and therefore, this is only a present philosophical insight into how nature has built your existence.

1. The Body

Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash

The body is the material vessel that contains your essence in this 3rd dimension.

It is a vehicle and a ‘clothing’ of yourself.

The physical body is an incredible apparatus that anchors that which you truly are into this world of existence.

And we need not say (although we will) that the physical body has organs, bones, blood and flesh. It also includes the brain, which appears to be the headquarters of its operations.

2. The Mind

Photo by Jeppe Hove Jensen on Unsplash

In my opinion, the mind is an ethereal vessel that allows your consciousness to interact with the vibrational world.

Remember there are two realms of being. The physical world and the mental/vibrational world.

The vibrational world is the world of thoughts.

In this dimension of existence, thoughts and thought images are the matter. There are also other aspects of this dimension such as dreams, imagination and intellect.

The mind itself isn’t a thing, like the physical body. It’s more of a space where Consciousness interacts with thoughts. It’s more of a utility and a function, than it is a thing.

The mind has two levels, or layers. The conscious, and the subconscious, also called the unconscious.

The conscious mind is the awake state where normal conscious thought processes occur, while the subconscious is the deeper level.

The Subconscious is the seat of intuition and inspiration, since it is linked directly to Source.

This is also the reason why it is the healer and restorer of the physical body. It oversees bloodflow, breathing, and also growth of the body.

Now, many people assume that the mind is located in the head, but I am of a different opinion.

I think the mind isn’t localized in any one particular part of the body. It interpermeates your physical body from head to toe.

The mind is the real existence of you, since your body is only a manifestation of the mind.

Thoughts and thought processes usually affect the chemistry of the body, because the mind and the body are one and the same, and what happens to one happens to the other.

3. The Soul

Photo by Umesh Soni on Unsplash

This third part of you is Consciousness itself, or at least a ray of it.

This is the chunk of the Divine Flame that you possess. Or, better put, that IS YOU…

We couldn’t say you posses it, or that you ‘have’ a soul… You ARE a Soul, would be more accurate.

This is your Essence… It is the you that interacts with the worlds.

It navigates the vibrational world by use of the Mind, and interacts with the physical world by use of The Body.

Now, in relation to Soul, what is Ego, or the egoic self? Where does it come from?

The ego, in my opinion, emerges from overindulgence of Soul in matter of the worlds, i.e thoughts and physical things.

Consciousness that you are gets lost, or veiled, by too much identification with matter, often vibrational matter.

You think you are your mind, and you therefore identify with it… that’s the ego.

When you think you are your past experiences, your dreams, and your goals, this is ego. This is the fake self…

The ego itself is as a result of your physical life experience, and it often consumes and veils your true essence, but it does not have to…


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Notice that I didn’t number this part of you. That is because this is the culmination of all that you are. Your Body, Mind and Soul are now functions of this you.

This is the real you, or the realest you… the Unconditioned you.

This is Source, God, The Divine Flame, Pure Consciousness… whatever term you may use.

This the Universal Essence that is the same for all beings. It is what links us to each other, because we come from it, and we live in it.

We are IT… and IT is us. That is all…

Words fall short and explanations fail here, so we’ll just leave it at that.

Now in the context of this Anatomy, what is Awakening, or Spiritual Awakening?

Awakening is the phenomenon of the ego self ‘blowing out’ to the truth of who it truly is. Of what it Truly is… SPIRIT

It is a journey of REALIZING its Oneness with Universal Consciousness… A path geared towards gradually BECOMING or Ascending into its highest and most Truest Self.

Lots of Love, and thank you for reading.

©2022, Henry Muli. All Rights Reserved.

