The Art of Creation

A guide for Personal Transformation

Henry Muli
New Earth Consciousness


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


Human beings are the masters of their fates.

We orchestrate our own reality and not just by doing, by being, and by thinking.

We have directly or indirectly anticipated and created ourselves in each and every situation or experience that we find ourselves in.

But how exactly do we do so?

How do we create ourselves and our reality?

In this article, we will delve into the art of conscious creation. We will explain how our minds work in forming our life experiences, and how we can use that inherent creative power to bring our dreams to fruition and alter ourselves into even better versions of being.

The mind: Conscious and Subconscious

Photo by Umesh Soni on Unsplash

How exactly do we create our reality?

The answer to this question is found in the understanding of how the subconscious mind works.

The subconscious mind operates with programs or conditioned beliefs, much like computer programs.

These programs are deep-seated conceptions, deposited in there by repetition and affirmation, and they literally dictate our waking actions and behavior and by extension, our reality.

As a man thinketh (in his subconscious mind) so he is

Any thought that you hold dominantly, and that you repeat over and over gets solidified into the subconscious as the program according to which you will behave.

It turns into a belief and that belief subconsciously dictates your actions and your experience.

Now, the subconscious doesn't know the difference between a productive belief and a destructive one.

If you believe that you are powerless and doomed to failure, the subconscious will literally move mountains to mirror this belief in your conscious waking experience.

With this understanding, however, we can consciously alter the programs and beliefs in our subconscious mind in order to orchestrate the desired experiences in our conscious waking world.

This brings us to my formula for the creation of reality through the power of thought and belief.

This formula has three practical steps namely;

  1. Formulating a mental image
  2. Affirmation coupled with feeling
  3. Letting go

Step One: Mental image

Create a vivid mental image of your desired experience. Make it definite and specific.

In fact, go the extra mile to write a storyline around your desire in order to describe it in the best way possible.

Make sure to commit this in writing.

Step Two: Affirmation with feeling

Create a routine of regularly (every day) going back to the mental image of your desire.

Since you have it written down, you can read it out loud to yourself every day.

Affirm this mental image over and over, giving it feeling and acting as if that which you have identified is already a reality.

Remember, for a belief or thought to become deep-seated in the subconscious mind, it must be wired in there using intense feeling.

Superficial thoughts have no effect and do not find their way into the subconscious mind until they are mixed with feeling.

Step three: Letting go

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Do not affirm your desire forever.

To use the words of Abraham Hicks the teacher… “the vibration of asking and the vibration of receiving are two different vibrations.”

You can’t dwell on the vibration of asking for too long, you must let go of your question in order to receive the answer.

After doing the routine of relentless affirmation of your desired experience, you have to at some point stop affirming.

Whatever time period you choose is up to you, but you must make sure that the belief has been repeated over and over and given enough feeling to become a program in your subconscious mind.

At the very least, I would recommend a full month of daily affirmation with feeling and then you have to let go and allow the Universe to transmute your dream into a reality, in your conscious waking experience.

And that's it, it's that simple.

Those are the three practical steps for the Art of Conscious Creation.

First, identify what you want to experience or be. Use your imagination to conjure a vivid and specific mental image, and then affirm that vibration to yourself over and over until it reaches the seat of your subconscious mind and becomes programmed in there.

Then let go.

Your part of the process is done.

What are the limits of what we can create this way?

There are NO LIMITS.

We are limited only by our imagination. The creative power inherent in the mind is unlimited, and the possibilities of the quantum field are INFINITE.

This knowledge however does come with a responsibility. If you know you can create anything, then you must know you can create chaos and destruction just as well as you can create happiness, joy, and abundance.

I believe this is where conscious living comes in.

And by conscious living, I mean the awareness that you are not just your individual ego self. You are all that is.

You are all of mankind.

You are not a drop in the Ocean, you are the entire Ocean in a drop


And therefore, to create consciously would mean to create a reality that not only benefits your individual self but all others.

You are therefore invited to orchestrate a reality that is big picture, so to speak.

One that benefits the evolution of as many beings as possible, if not all beings.

Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

Empowerment and Surrender, where is the line?

The answer to this question is frankly a paradox because we, as conscious beings physically focused in this 3rd dimension, are both powerful and not powerful at the same time.

In the process of creating your reality, or creating your new self, you must understand that it is not your conscious waking mind that is making it happen.

You are not making it happen.

The teaching of Jesus Christ on this subject brings an important perspective of asking and receiving from God to show us that we are but cogs in a much bigger dance.

That is why during the three steps above, you do not come up with a plan. You must only concentrate on the ‘what’, and never the ‘how’.

Your work is to send out the picture of your desired experience to the Universe and then step aside, or Surrender.

This is where you are not powerful anymore because you are not the one ‘making it happen’. The Universe is… Spirit, or the Wave that creates is.

You must surrender to it and trust it to take care of the ‘how’.

And from my own experience with the law of attraction, how the answer unfolds is usually very different from anything you could have imagined when you were asking.

In conclusion, the law of attraction is not news, it is well known. And with a little bit of practice, dedication, and trust in the Universe, anyone can master the Art of Creation.

While researching for this article, I came across a very powerful conversation between Jay Shetty and Joe Dispenza on the subject of altering ourselves and our reality using the power of thought and belief.

And I’ll just leave it here.

I hope my three steps of creation have shed some light on how you can be the master of your own reality.

Sending lots of Love your way, and thank you for reading.

©2022, Henry Muli. All Rights Reserved.

