The Bible Explained | Was Jesus Really Perfect?

“Jesus was a rebel and was not perfect in the way the Bible claims.”

Ari Love
New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Mads Schmidt Rasmussen on Unsplash

After experiencing numerous spiritual awakenings, I have a greater appreciation for the teachings of Jesus. But being raised Christian had a tremendous impact on my life. When I broke free from the church, I was damaged, confused, and afraid. Years of manipulative conditioning had worn me down, and I hated everything about Christianity.

I thought God was some crazed dictator sitting on a massive throne in the sky, judging everything I did. I thought God hated me because there was no other explanation for the pain I endured. There was no relief. I was alone and deeply saddened because I wanted to love God, and I wanted God to love me. But no matter how hard I prayed, I continued to suffer.

At one point, the very name of Jesus made me sick. I lost my parents back to back, and my own family rejected me. I was continuously abused by those who pretended to love me. No matter how kind-hearted I was, people always abandoned or took advantage of me. I felt invisible, unheard, and unimportant. I’ve shared a lot on this platform, but that isn’t the half of it. Sometimes, I don’t know how I made it this far.

Who was Jesus?



Ari Love
New Earth Consciousness

Sassy, solo-traveling, free-spirited chick, writing about love, healing, awakening, and spiritual stuff. I play by my own rules, wanna play?