The Buddha and The Beggar

The Buddha, The Quran, and Rumi

Mystic Heart
New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Artur Tumasjan on Unsplash

Gautama Buddha used to address people and give teachings under a peepal tree.

A beggar man was sitting nearby all day and watching people coming and going. The beggar noticed that people who came with their problems and looked for a solution in a sad and depressed mood were returning happy and satisfied.

One day, he approached Buddha, bowed respectfully, and asked,

“Why are some people rich and some poor?”

He expressed his desire to learn by asking. He wanted to know why he was poor and why fortune did not grant him a prosperous life.

Buddha listened to him patiently and replied,

“You are poor because you have never given anything to anyone.”

Hearing these words, the beggar said,

“Oh God, I am so poor. I have nothing to give. I have to live on alms.”

Buddha smiled and said,

“You have been given a beautiful smile with which you can make others smile and be happy.

You can use your mouth to speak kind words and inspire others.

And you were given two little eyes with which you can see this beautiful world and look at others with compassion.

You can use your hands to help others.

Anyone who has these four things can never be poor.

It is your ignorance that makes you think you are not rich. Remove this illusion from your mind, and poverty will disappear from your life.”

Hearing this, the beggar’s face brightened, and he began to follow Buddha’s teachings.

His life became joyful…

It is not your wealth or children that bring you closer to Us. But those who believe and do good — it is they who will have a multiplied reward for what they did, and they will be secure in elevated mansions.

Saba 37

Created by the Author using Unsplash

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With Love🙏



Mystic Heart
New Earth Consciousness

I share the words, thoughts and excerpts of the books of some wise people who enlightened my path of life. I hope what I share will enlighten your path too.🙏🏻