The Cosmic Connection: As Above, So Below

Exploring the Mirroring Realms

Olya Perkovic
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readAug 9, 2024


Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

“As is the human body, so is the cosmic body. As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind. As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm. As is the atom, so is the universe.”

The Upanishads

“At every scale, the universe shows us a harmonious design,” as captured by the Upanishads. This principle, which suggests that the vast cosmos mirrors our individual existence, invites us to explore how our inner world reflects the grand patterns of the universe and vice versa.

When we align our energy with the cosmic order, we tap into a reservoir of strength and wisdom. As we understand our connection to the universe, we begin to see how we are one and interconnected.

I thought, if the idea “As above, so below” is true, why not explore it through the stars, especially the two celestial lights that visit us daily — the Sun and the Moon? Each morning, we awaken with the Sun’s warmth, and each night, we rest under the Moon’s gentle glow. These two heavenly bodies shape our days and nights and reflect deeper cosmic truths about ourselves.

Meet the Sun, our Inner Light

As the Sun rises each day, it brings life and energy to everything it touches, from the smallest blade of grass to the grandest mountain peak. This consistent, life-giving force reflects the essence of vitality and clarity that we can strive to embody in our own lives. Just as the Sun’s light dispels the darkness and warms the Earth, it serves as a powerful symbol of our inner strength and purpose.

The Sun mirrors the inner light that guides us through challenges and decisions. Its brilliant rays inspire us to seek clarity and direction. The Sun’s predictable rise and set provide a rhythm that resonates with the natural cycles within us, reminding us of the importance of balance and consistency.

By aligning ourselves with the Sun’s energy, we tap into a powerful source of inspiration. The Sun’s ability to illuminate and energize encourages us to shine our own light. It embodies our mental clarity and inner strength, driving us forward. The Sun reminds us to embrace our own light. As we draw inspiration from the Sun, we learn to reflect its brilliance in our dharma, nurturing our growth and illuminating our path to a more fulfilling life.

Life is often best understood through observing nature. When we seek insight or clarity, nature offers guidance. Just as the Sun shapes the natural world, its energy helps us understand ourselves. The Sun’s brilliance illuminates our path, nurturing our creativity with its warmth. It guides us to align our actions with our deepest desires and values, cultivating a profound connection with our true selves. The Sun is the Atman, the Significator of the Soul.

Meet the Moon, Our Mind

The Moon, often celebrated as the celestial mirror of the night, has a unique way of reflecting the depths of our psyche. Its soft, silver light offers a window into both the conscious and subconscious realms of our mind. Just as the Moon waxes and wanes, our thoughts and emotions rise and fall, revealing layers of our inner world.

In the conscious mind, the Moon’s light helps us explore our immediate thoughts and feelings. Its phases guide us through periods of reflection and insight. It’s the lens through which we digest our daily experiences and understand their impact on our lives. The clarity it provides can inspire us to make conscious choices and set intentions. The glow it provides sparks imagination. The shadows it makes invite us to self-search and discover.

Beyond the surface, the Moon illuminates the deeper, often hidden layers of the subconscious mind. This is where our deep-seated beliefs, memories, and unresolved emotions reside. The Moon’s changing phases symbolize the cyclical nature of these inner processes, suggesting that just as the Moon waxes and wanes, so does our subconscious mind reveal itself in phases.

As the Moon shifts from new to full and back again, it encourages us to confront and integrate the shadows within our subconscious. These shadows are the parts of ourselves that we may not fully understand or may prefer to keep hidden — past traumas, fears, and unacknowledged desires. The Moon’s light provides a gentle invitation to explore these darker aspects with compassion and curiosity.

The Moon’s phases are a reminder that growth involves embracing all parts of ourselves, both light and dark. By reflecting on our shadow side — the aspects of our personality and experiences that we often avoid — we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of who we are. This process of shadow work helps us integrate these hidden elements, leading to greater self-awareness and emotional balance.

The Moon guides us in reflecting on our emotional and psychological experiences, offering a path to self-discovery and healing. Its serene glow helps us see the beauty in our shadows and encourages us to transform them into sources of strength and insight. By tuning into these cosmic rhythms, we unlock the wisdom needed to shape our path with clarity and purpose, finding balance and meaning along the way.

Sometimes, the stars hold the key to understanding ourselves. Other times, it’s through our interactions with others that we gain insight. The path to self-discovery can take many forms, but taking this journey is essential. Embrace self-awareness as the greatest gift you can give yourself and those around you.




Olya Perkovic
New Earth Consciousness

Lifestyle Brand Consultant | Vedic Astrologer | Ayurvedic Health Counsellor | Empowering brands and individuals through holistic wellness and growth.