The Divine Flame

Enlightenment is when the Ocean realizes it is the Ocean

Henry Muli
New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

He who knows others is wise; He who knows himself is Enlightened

Lao Tzu

Understanding who we are is by far the most incredible mission of all existence. In this quest of self-discovery, however, the wisdom is never in learning. It is in the unlearning.

To know oneself, one need not keep searching for explanatory knowledge, for it is in the still and silent emptiness of words and explanations that the true self exists.

To know this true self calls for a great deal of unlearning. It calls for letting go of everything we have been conditioned to believe that we are.

To really know yourself, you must forget your name. For you are not your name. Names are nothing more than an arrangement of vocal sounds. It is not who you are.

To know who we are, we must forget and unlearn every single concept that our society has designated to define us.

When you really know who you are, you can never come up with an answer to the question… who are you? Because anything that you could attach to answer this question is merely a facade. Smoke and mirrors.

I am a teacher, or I am a doctor… these are but functions that you fulfill, they are not who you are.

The only fitting answer to that question would be… I am not anything. I simply am.

When you know this for sure, that you are not anything. That you are no-thing, then and only then do you truly know yourself.

A Spark

Picture a flame. A massive flame in the center of great darkness. The flame burns and burns eternally. Ever it has been burning, and ever will it burn.

Sparks fire from the Flame in every direction. They exit its center and explode out into the darkness.

They do not die out, however. They cannot die. For they are Sparks of the Infinite. They are made of its fabric, and so its eternalness is their eternalness.

But they do leave. They go into the darkness to look for themselves. To look for their home. The home they left.

They do not leave of their own accord. There is no their own accord. What they call free will is an illusion. For they belong not to themselves. But to their home. To the Flame.

The Flame sends them out. It sends itself out through them. In them, it pretends to forget itself. It pretends to be separate, to be disconnected, to be floating in the dark.

Only so that it can journey back. And experience the Divine flame in its magnificent glory.

Enlightenment: The Journey back

It is my belief that Enlightenment is the destiny of every human life. No one is here to just work, pay bills and then die. We are all here on a quest, a soul journey to learn and discover ourselves.

That is the definition of Enlightenment. It is to evolve, tap into, and exist predominantly from the inner stillness of our true self.

Everyone is on their journey to this state of Consciousness. To the knowingness that they are not as they appear. That they are not this surface entity that they seem to be.

They are the Flame. We are all the Flame of Consciousness.

We are not just Sparks of it, or extensions of it. WE ARE IT. And we are here, in the dream, to find our way back home. It is why we left.

And that home is not a place. It is a state of being. It is that stillness inside. That peaceful dimension beyond our experiential reality. In Buddhism, it’s called Nirvana, the dimension of our true self.

And anyone can reach it. Everyone is here to do just that. And when you do reach it, or rather when you truly come to know yourself, your answer to the question who are you? will simply be… I AM.

You will not need to be anything. You will be comfortable with being nothing.

Because when you become nothing, you are connected to everything. For everything comes from nothing. Nothing is everything.

Image by Avi Chomotovski from Pixabay

Sending lots of Love, and thank you for reading.

© 2022, Henry Muli. All Rights Reserved.

