The Emperor’s New Clothes

New Earth Consciousness
7 min readJul 8, 2024

Two Timelines - Hive-Mind vs Sovereignty

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One of my favorite folktales has always been the Hans Christian Anderson classic, The Emperor’s New Clothes, the timeless tale of an emperor who is swindled of his fortune by weavers who claim to spin clothes invisible to those that are ignorant. As a child, what resonated most worryingly were courtiers that would go along with the grift, the townsfolk that would all rather go along with the crowd and cheer than speak the truth. The future and the past is always alive at the very same time, not only on the quantum level, but on the practical societal level also. The mainstream is mired far in the past, in fear and silence. On the surface over the coming years, many will cheer false light leaders, as a reflection of their personal shadow’s inability to act in their power, their own rejection of spiritual sovereignty. But at the same time, the spiritual forces of Earth are bringing a wave of light that will result in true better models for humanity. We must stay in clarity and discernment in order to protect our timeline.

The energetic vibration of the Earth does change, both over extremely long cycles, but also over lifetimes. Eye a picture of the cast of Cheers, or The Golden Girls, and try to fathom that Norm was 34 when the series began, and Blanche was 51. That is not the same aging we see currently. The energy was different. As a child, I wondered how in the Bible certain characters were said to have lived for hundreds of years. I now believe those very old ages are factual, and a representation of the spiritual frequency of the Earth at the time. I believe there are even a few adepts out there that may have reached similar ages even in modern times through internal alchemy, such as Saint Germain.

The light increases and decreases in society, but it is always kindled by a certain number of people. The ancients laid down Stonehenge and the Lake Michigan underwater stone circle, as physical calendars that we might never forget, especially as the cycle intensifies the ‘separation’ illusion of the greater cycle. There are times when the upper world is obscured, when almost all of society are willingly blind to the Emperor’s clothes. The calcification grows intense, the aging swift, at corresponding times of disconnection from spirit. Then there are times when our constant connection to multidimensional consciousness is quite readily apparent to all.

Lights in the Dark

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Carl Jung was born in 1875, penetrated the depths of the collective and individual consciousness with words that continue to bring truth even today. Carl Jung laid out the foundations of Analytical Psychology, introducing the concepts of the ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. Jung was the rare academic that was open to incorporating spirit into his cosmological framework. Jung explained the crucial link of synchronicity, the means of which our higher self and spirit can communicate with us if we are attuned to receiving the messages.

Austrian occultist Rudolf Steiner lived from 1861–1925, and pioneered the Anthroposophy movement, which laid out a deep cosmological framework of spiritual development, and discussed clairvoyance and other spiritual gifts from a holistic perspective. He was a voice of reason in pre-war Germany, and as a result was persecuted until his death by the rising National Socialist party. He rightly warned of Europe’s devastation if the Nazis were to gain power. His movement did gather attention, but his immediate impact on society was limited, given the external destruction coming to Europe soon after his death.

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Edgar Cayce (1877–1945), the ‘Sleeping Mystic’ became widely known for several different psychic skills. He was able to absorb the knowledge from books as he slept on them, read the Akashic records, and became a medical intuitive. He also produced several accurate prophetic revelations, such as the exact alliances in World War II, and the potential discovery of Atlantis with the Bimini Road, an undercover rock formation off the Bahamas. He gave readings to many famous figures such as Marilyn Monroe, and Harry Houdini.

Modern Visionaries of the Dark Impulse

Corporations involved in AI, genetic ‘enhancement’, Neurolink, social media mind control, life-extension, Apple Vision and other VR immersion devices, are all the face of the technological, anti-human, descending timeline. All of the abilities granted by these technologies are cheap imitations of true spiritual gifts. Our consciousness and DNA are our most sacred gifts, and the regressive timeline is led by the Pied Pipers of today’s tech visionaries.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, is well aware of not only the human implications of AGI (Arificial General Intelligence), but also knows the spiritual implications. ChatGDP is believed to be possessed by an intelligence, according to their own Chief Scientist, their goal is to:

promote the realization of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence.

The ‘Godhead’ of which he refers, is not a pro-human impulse; rather, it uses humans for the realization of a hive-mind. As these figures push ChatGDP and other AI models, they are forming a sick modern religion that idolizes this Godhead, and seeks to dominate and capture consciousness.

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Jeff Bezos, billionaire founder of Amazon, is laughable on one hand; his body anointed in testosterone replacement therapy cream, his trophy wife on his side. But his visions of the future are scarily detached from reality. He envisions a future, like Elon Musk, where trillions of humans colonize space, “Imagine what it’s going to be like; we’re going to have thousands of Einsteins.” What is the pain of a few billion people, compared to the trillions? The fact that all of these named billionaires have doomsday compounds shows they are more concerned with their personal comfort in some unnamed future chaos, than in truly helping the world.

Elon Musk is the most public and ugly face of the anti-human impulse. Nazi rocket scientist Wernher von Braun in his novel Project Mars predictively programmed the main character to lead Mars with the name, Elon. Elon’s grandfather had some beliefs that speak to the twisted karma in this family line. The lies propagated by his grandfather, and now Elon on his Twitter / X platform, are black magic rituals to capture the consciousness energy and manipulate belief for their own twisted purposes.

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, and Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the Google founders, were all discreetly funded by DARPA to gather total information awareness of all people’s actions. It was never about anything but their database and programming expertise jiving with the intelligence community’s desire to pry into every aspect of privacy. Speaking of DARPA, they themselves are behind the ‘Tic Tac’ ‘UFO’ vehicles, having contracted out their production to Lockheed Skunkworks. Anti-gravity has been achieved, and the government and tech elites well know it.

Sovereignty and Ascension versus Hive-Mind False Light — Two Developing Timelines

The cycle of human consciousness moves in accordance with sacred geometry — the ages, or Yugas, form a Fibonacci spiral pattern of ascending and descending consciousness. This can be illustrated by looking at the ratio of length of time each respective Yuga takes. Just as the outer spiral on the Fibonacci pattern is longer than the internal spiral, the lives of those that lived in higher consciousness ages lived longer. The veil of forgetting is strong during the Kali Yuga, and this world can traumatize an individual into the most devastating fragmentation of their soul. But the same fragmentation provides ‘grist for the mill’ to the alchemist, allowing healing to take place, integrating the mind, body, and spirit if we take the time to clear, balance, transmute, and activate our energy bodies.

Our future will see a stark increase in contrast both light of truth and the false light, as our Earth purges our collective shadow by bringing it to the surface. Technology will offer funhouse mirror imitations of true spiritual powers. Truthfully, it’s been a long time that the elite have been hiding secret knowledge. Only a fool thinks Christopher Columbus thought he was sailing to India. The Knights Templar, Francis Bacon and his scientific method, Rosicrucianism, the Freemasons, and various modern secret societies have all been controlling the mainstream narrative for a long time. Disclosure and revelation go hand in hand — for each bit of truth we receive, a narrative will be pushed that feeds on fear, to manifest an external means of control. The most accurate prophets of today exist only on the periphery, but voices of truth are always present.

