The Global Emergence of Unity Consciousness: The Ongoing Shift

How Humanity is Awakening to the Reality of Our Interconnectedness

New Earth Consciousness


Remember the last time you felt truly connected to everything around you? Close your eyes for a few seconds, breathe in and think about this moment.

Maybe it was a warm feeling of gratitude while walking in nature. Or a deep sense of presence and love while spending time with close friends.

That feeling of connection, that sense that everything is one and we are all part of something greater — that’s “unity consciousness.”

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It’s not some far-out concept that you achieve once and suddenly become enlightened. No, it’s a state of being. A happening. Something to allow, not force.

Unity consciousness is our true nature. Strip away the ego, the labels, the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what separates us.

Underneath all that is the radiant realization that we are all expressions of one universal consciousness. We are the universe…



New Earth Consciousness

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