The Illusion Will Break in Front of Your Eyes: Will You Notice?

New Earth Consciousness
4 min readMar 25, 2023
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As a youth at Summer camp, I had a counselor that had a rather elaborate Tai Chi practice. One afternoon myself and some of the other campers were having some fun with him, and we all started prodding him to ‘prove his powers’. He seemed strangely ready to accept the challenge. All the cabin gathered around and he brought us up one by one, told us to stand there in the center of the cabin, and close our eyes. He moved his hands in sort of a pulling together motion, but never getting within maybe six inches of any camper’s body. Each one of us was pulled backwards by this unseen force which felt like a bungee cord attached to us — to where we stumbled backwards, each of us in turn. For some reason, I integrated that into my ‘understanding’ of reality seamlessly. Why did my curiosity fail me so? Was it because I did not have the maturity to accept the weight of what the answers might be? That is what I suspect.

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The next time the commonly accepted cosmology ‘broke’ in front of me, I was just waking up from a nap in college. In a half-asleep state I glanced up, saw one roommate coming in, we had a little back-and-forth where he prodded me to wake up and play Madden. Nothing out of the ordinary. But this conversation was in my dream. The scene appeared before me as green outlines on a pitch black background, like an old computer terminal. But not one minute later, that roommate did actually enter the room, and we replayed that mundane conversation word-for-word. It was as if I had dissociated during it. I played it off as best I could, betrayed nothing, played Madden, continued day-to-day life. For at least the second time, something had shown me something extraordinary, something reality shattering, and I had failed to really wake up.

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A friend of mine has described horrifying experiences with Sleep Paralysis. He’s awoken to a hag figure hovering over his face. When something like this happens, you can rationalize it away in the daylight. He assures me it’s just some sort of muscle phenomenon. That makes as much sense as DMT elves — why does everyone see the same looking entities if it’s just a figment of our psyche. I’m sure some scientist will be glad to throw around some chemical names and jargon and dismiss this all, and that’s fine. Science is great, leads to knowledge. Knowledge however must always bow before Truth. Science can measure the gross physical world — that’s it. To my science minded friends, realize that our physical dimension is manifested from a higher plane, otherwise we would have explained the whole cosmology to satisfaction already. You can detect particles until you’re blue in the face — that will never get to the Truth of the matter. What if signs were given to you every now and then? Would you receive them, or would you dismiss them, as I did?

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For myself, it was the scent of my long passed grandmother’s cooking in a yoga class that may have finally catalyzed an awakening from the illusion I was living under. Its difficult to describe how reality-breaking it can be when you finally have to accept for example, that we can be contacted by those that have passed. I was able to ignore dreams, being pushed by Chi energy, a visual precognition overlay of a small but uncanny future event. Only now, after accepting a different reality, can I look back stunned at how many clear signs and alarm bells went off in my face that I ignored somehow. I realize two things now. One, the programming of what ‘should’ happen in life, overpowered me for a long time. Two, although I considered myself openminded and on the lookout for truth — when these wake up calls occurred, I ignored them until I was ready to let that reality fall. Reality will shatter, magic will be brought right before your eyes. Do not fall for the lie that this is all there is; when lightning strikes, believe your eyes and your heart.

