The Impatient Person’s Guide to Patience: How to Wait Without Losing Your Mind

Stop Checking Your Watch and Start Enjoying The Journey


Photo by 傅甬 华 on Unsplash

Are you the kind of person who can’t stand waiting in line?

Do you find yourself tapping your foot, checking your watch, and huffing and puffing in frustration?

Hey, you’re not alone.

Impatience is a common affliction that affects just about all of us in some form or fashion every day (even those of us who consider ourselves “patient”).

So what can you do to get out of impatience’s way?

Here’s the thing you probably have already noticed:

Impatience isn’t doing you any favors.

In fact, it’s making life harder.

The more frustrated we get in waiting, the more frustrated thoughts we experience, right?

Change your understanding of patience

What if being patient wasn’t about just being ok with “waiting”?

If we reframe our definition of patience, it can be a gift that we enjoy practicing and using.

Here’s a suggestion:

Look at patience as an…



D Grant Smith-The Growth Farmer
New Earth Consciousness

Transformational storyteller and coach for highly sensitive and empathic superheroes. Sharing how to grow peace & fulfillment within at