The Intricacies between Bhagavad Gita, Hollywood, and Cinema.

The relevance of the Bhagavad Gita in Modern Times.

Veer Pratab Singh
New Earth Consciousness
5 min readAug 12, 2023


Bhagavad Gita | Photo by Caesar Oleksy from Pexels

The Gita is not meant for any person, creed, or nation but for humanity. It speaks to a mind that has fought in life, a mind that is dissatisfied with constant want, a mind that is alert and thinking, and has many conflicts.
- Swami Dayananda

Okay, picture this: I’m all wrapped up in the drama of Foundation Season Two, that awesome American TV show. And just when I’m glued to the screen, bam! A scene hits me like a lightning bolt, casually dropping a mention of the “Bhagavad Gita,” an ancient Indian Mythological masterpiece.

Stills of Foundation Season Two. Portrayal of Bhagavad Gita written in Sanskrit and the Hindu God Krishna (bottom right)

Now, my brain’s like, “Hold on a sec, has the Bhagavad Gita popped up in other Hollywood movies too?” You know, that classic “gotcha” moment when you start pondering the deeper stuff.

Then, outta nowhere, the memory bank chimes — I’m talking about a biopic that rocked the scene. It’s all about Robert J. Oppenheimer, the brain behind the Atomic Bomb. And guess what? The Bhagavad Gita makes a cameo! Right after the whole stew of the Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer says: “Now I become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

“But hold on, there’s something else! In that very same movie, we also have Albert Einstein, who is known as the ultimate intellectual, giving a subtle acknowledgment to the Bhagavad Gita.” He’s like, “When I dive into the Bhagavad-Gita and start thinking about how the universe was whipped up by the divine, everything else just feels like peanuts.”

To know more about the relationship between Oppenheimer and Einstein, you can refer to my article.

Now, these influences of the East are busting out of their cultural cages and geographical limits. It’s as if the Bhagavad Gita is confidently showcasing itself on the world platform, declaring, “Hello world, I’m here to stay!”

Fast-forward to the modern-day, societal norms are shapeshifting, and Values systems and ideologies are constantly changing and evolving. Now, don’t get me wrong — I’m all up for celebrating the positive tweaks, but there’s a shadow lurking. It’s like the rise of individualism, greed, and other not-so-pleasant vibes are gatecrashing the party.

But guess what? This isn’t just real life — it’s reel life too! Yes, those silver screens are reflecting our society’s ups and downs, and it’s all summed up in three words: “Cinema reflects life.”

Prepare yourself to hold onto your seat tightly, because I’m about to drop a mind-blowing revelation on you:

Cinema isn’t merely about dishing out fantasies. Far from it, in fact. It’s a dynamo of transformation, a powerful force that compels us to pause and reflect.

Do you know who nails this?

The genius Nadine Labaki. She’s like, “Cinema is not only about making people dream. It’s about changing things and making people think.”

And that’s where the Bhagavad Gita props in. It’s like the secret weapon directors use to make us think a little deeper. But here’s the thing: this isn’t merely a pass to consider; it’s more like a guiding compass for navigating life’s exciting journey.

The directors want their viewers to learn the diverse thoughts that are projected by the Bhagavad Gita because it can provide assistance regarding individual matters, such as:

  1. Life is like a maze and finding the right path could become a task. This is where the Bhagavad Gita kicks in, which helps in navigating the labyrinth of everyday perplexities
  2. It helps Discover Serenity Amidst Chaos: In today’s fast-moving world, stress and commotion are frequent companions of humans. The Bhagavad Gita helps us remain composed amidst disorder, giving us the courage to confront life’s difficulties with calmness.
  3. Many of us struggle to find meaning and fulfillment in life. The Gita guides us by saying bad situations come by not doing anything, but to create a good situation, one has to take action. Thus it helps achieve a sense of accomplishment.
  4. A Blueprint for Self-Improvement: The Gita encourages us to continuously improve ourselves by stating “Change is a universal law”. Here the lord says to Arjun, “Your senses create sensations like cold, heat, happiness, sadness, or stress in you by coming in contact with the things that are heard, smelled, tasted, or felt. These feelings are temporary. It goes away as it comes. So Arjun you learn to tolerate these changes”. By following its insights, we can mold ourselves into better individuals.
  5. Facing Challenges with Belief: Life is full of challenges, and Gita’s teachings provide us with the tools to face them by saying “Belief creates courage, and then courage destroys all your fears”. Hence, You become what you believe. So if you believe that you can defeat the challenges that have arisen, you will!
  6. Balancing Material and Spiritual: The Gita helps us find harmony between our material aspirations and spiritual growth. Only focusing on materialism, could distort the true goal of life. Here, the Bhagavad Gita highlights “Three gateways to downfall and self-destruction — Lust, Greed, and Anger” because these things block the spiritual path and are therefore called the gateways to self-destruction.
  7. It helps in Mastering Inner Peace through stability: The lord says, Rivers merge in the ocean 24 x 7. But the ocean remains stable without being disturbed by the continuous flow of water from rivers. Just like the waters of rivers, endless thoughts will come into your mind. It is absolutely normal. Nothing to worry about. Bad thoughts also knock on the mind. But you will only attain peace in your life when you remain stable just like the ocean irrespective of the malignant thoughts that come to you. Reject the thoughts that distract you from your goal. Discard the temptations and the desires that stop you from reaching your ultimate goal. Learn to choose. Learn to regulate your mind and not the other way. Do not let your mind, control your life. Instead, take control of your mind to work for you in your own hands.

In summary, the Bhagavad Gita is a timeless guidebook that provides practical wisdom for navigating life’s challenges. Its teachings offer invaluable guidance for finding clarity, purpose, and fulfillment, and for achieving inner peace and happiness.

By following its insights, we can live a more meaningful and fulfilling life, by sidelining the negative and unethical values like ego, hatred, pessimism, vice, and wickedness which would be detrimental to society.

This text can help us create a world that is one family.

Thank you for reading the article. Hope you liked it!

For more in-depth insights on Indian Mythological texts, you can refer to my article on the Indian Mythological Books.



Veer Pratab Singh
New Earth Consciousness

Learner, Teacher, Motivator, Writer, Exploring various facets of life through different lenses. Sail with me to explore.