The Journey of Awakening

Are you ready yet?

Mónica Esgueva
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readJun 5, 2023


Image by Jplenio (Pixabay)

Silence and nothing to do.

Two of my favorite combinations.

I try to take time to contemplate and go inside regularly; you can find so much richness.

The mind is never quiet or still, however. Even when you are doing nothing or not interacting with others or the world online, the mind always jumps from one thing to another. Usually, to some memory (even when you do not have regrets or unhealed wounds, even when you have forgiven). Or it goes to the future, to plans you hold dear, hopes, expectations, worries, or fears of what might occur and thwart your dreams or security.

The more programming you receive, the more those thoughts will be negative and related to things that make you uncomfortable, such as comparing with others, feeling unworthy, perceiving lack, feeling fearful, leading to survival instincts, harboring jealousy or hatred, and so on.

Thus, the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts.

The ego never rests.

It always tries to find appealing hooks to taste first and dwell on later. It is continuously creating imaginary problems to find solutions for them. It is in its very nature to be active and busy. Otherwise, where does its power lie?

It loves having you wrapped around its finger.

It believes to be the master of your life and wants you to be its servant.

With this panorama, it is impossible to find some lasting peace.

If you are always on the run, in the middle of an endless race against hostile circumstances, you need to be alert, struggling to get around, and fighting against others to get what you want.

Nevertheless, everybody reaches a point in their evolutionary path when they can ask themselves:

Is this it?

Am I obliged to live such an unsatisfactory existence?

Do I live in a hostile universe or a kind one?

Do I have to believe everything my mind comes up with?

Is the ego who I really am?

Nobody can be forced to arrive at this point of awareness. We each have to achieve this individual milestone independently and freely. And for most people, it marks the beginning of the spiritual path.

Once you realize that the world’s ways are fake and meaningless, you feel motivated to escape the Matrix because you can see through it. Or at least, you can perceive that it will not provide the inner peace and satisfaction we all aspire to.

The trinkets and awards that make the world go around no longer appeal to you. The accolades and praise leave you pretty indifferent. Wealth and status cease to be goals in themselves. The pursuit of success is not your goal anymore.

The theater of life on Earth becomes a standard play where everybody has a role they hold dearly, but nobody realizes it is just an ephemeral role created to learn and expand.

We have been involved in this cooperative play for so long that we have forgotten that we are the actors who chose to come over and over to try new scenarios and take away the lessons with us. We came for the richness of experiences that can be lived here, not to get stuck in the countless temptations around us.

Fortunately, one day, out of sheer suffering, exhaustion, or emptiness inside, we become fed up with the charade and decide to begin our journey of awakening.



Mónica Esgueva
New Earth Consciousness

Spiritual guide, author of 9 books, globetrotter, therapist, coach, visionary artist & teacher.