Who wouldn’t want this?

The Knowledge That Unites Humanity

This knowledge exists…

Mystic Heart
New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Emmanuel Ikwuegbu on Unsplash

Today, it is clearly known that there is a great need for a unifying, elevating, and all-resolving synthesis that can save humanity from all impasses and errors of the mind, enabling humanity to connect as a whole.

The number of those who long for the existence of such comprehensive knowledge, a reality that will encompass a vast majority of humanity within its framework, is increasing day by day.

In fact, the root cause of all personal and social conflicts, disagreements, dissatisfaction, and unhappiness lies in the fact that not everyone possesses the knowledge that can unite humanity at a higher level, approaching the meaning of life to the utmost extent. This knowledge is such that it illuminates both the spiritual and material worlds of human beings with wisdom.

This knowledge exists… However, it has not spread evenly to all aspects of humanity.

The reason arises from various material possibilities, different spiritual needs, manners, and experiences within different realities of evolution, and the very cause of all these is evolution itself.

Ergün Arıkdal

Ergün Arıkdal emphasizes here that such knowledge exists. In fact, he is talking about the book The Divine Order and the Universe by Bedri Ruhselman. An excerpt from this book is the following.

By the way, it is important that while reading an excerpt from this book you should keep in mind that it was written in 1959.

From the page https://www.facebook.com/thedivineorderandtheuniverse/photos

Here you can find some more information about the book The Divine Order and The Universe.



Mystic Heart
New Earth Consciousness

I share the words, thoughts and excerpts of the books of some wise people who enlightened my path of life. I hope what I share will enlighten your path too.🙏🏻