The Long Count

Sometimes the future catches up with you

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readDec 24, 2022


Courtesy by the author

This channeling came for a woman who went through a job loss, questioning her life purpose.

You are living an event of transformation like opening an envelope as for the metamorphosis of an insect, the passage between the caterpillar and the butterfly. It is a commandment of transformation, an imperative.

We humans see time through a microscope, but we could see it through a telescope, i.e. over a longer period of time.

What is the meaning of an event? These events are always uncomfortable on short time, they take their meaning on long time. Long time events are events that have been prepared for a long time, for those key moments of long count.

They are like slow planets giving events of greater significance on long time. So in fact we have to change our perspective and to surrender to this long time. I am not saying that we should not fight, defend ourselves, but we should not see this event as something that happens suddenly, it is something that has been prepared for a long time, it was already foreseen when you started your process.

A new life is coming for you, you have to mourn the old one to be able to welcome this new one, and change the perspectives that you have of yourself, of your life and to see things that you did not see before, just by changing your position and perspective on your life.

Let your heart guide you and don’t listen to words, words can lie, the heart does not lie. Learn to listen to the voice of your heart, it’s just a matter of attention, pay attention to what your heart says, for that you have to be silent to be able to hear it, you have to silence your thoughts inside you as well as the thoughts and words of the others, it’s called recollection. Every day you have to find a moment of meditation to listen to what your heart is saying.

That’s why you are a bit upset at the moment, it’s time for you to wake up to yourself and to hear what your heart is saying to you because the heart is the channel of your soul. Take advantage of this opportunity to do so.

This action will allow you to anticipate the change much better, including by a preventive action, to prepare the change before it happens.

This event, seen from the outside is violent but it is a call from your soul. Defend yourself, go as far as you can without putting yourself in danger but understand the message.

Your value is not what you bring to others, your value is first how you feed yourself and how you radiate to others.

This gives them great freedom of action. You do not act for them, you radiate, helping them to find their way. Your radiance arouses their action, their awakening.

In the short term, you are disoriented but in the long term it pays off. Try to connect in the long run. Be on two times at the same time. In the short term, you need to protect yourself, give yourself moments during the week to list your tasks on a piece of paper and order them, let what comes to you come, growing your intuition. In the long run, it is meditation and prayer. The human being is on two times at the same time, on a long count and on a short count but often he puts more attention to the short time, forgetting the long time.

It is a balance, to keep your attention on the two times at the same time or successively, but above all to integrate the two in your daily life. Give yourself value when you do nothing. Your value is not what you do, neither towards others nor towards yourself, your value is you. You don’t need to have more value than that. Your power is to act on you, on your spine, your sovereignty, your alignment; to value yourself, to love yourself and to take your place entirely without worrying about what others think because if you worry about it, you undervalue your inner voice, your true compass.

Let go of what others think. Navigate this material world without damage to yourself and your family while never losing sight of the long term, because so, you will anticipate what you could not foresee.

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Midway (Jean Carfantan)
New Earth Consciousness

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirer, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to. (in English--en, French or Spanish --es)