This Drawing Might Help You Find True Joy

The Multidimensional Self Is Emerging

Lately it feels like different parts of who I am are starting to come together and wake up.

New Earth Consciousness
3 min readSep 2, 2023


Lately, I feel new facets of my being activating. As if my consciousness is expanding into its multidimensional nature after being confined to a narrow band for so long.

I’m shedding old fears and baggage that had been holding me back.

The process hasn’t been easy. Facing my issues head on stirred up a lot inside that needed healing. But I feel freer and more whole with each layer revealed.

I get glimpses now and then of realities beyond the day-to-day.

Times where I’m really creative, “in the zone”, or feeling deeply connected. These fleeting moments reshape how I see life.

I try not to get too attached though. No one state is better — they’re all part of the dance.

Today, i drew something again. I didnt have anything in mind in the beginning, so as i was drawing this piece, it emerged for me:

Created with Midjourney. Learn AI and Midjourney ▶ here.

What do you think about it?

It just happened, i didn’t have any vision beforehand, but a vision revealed itself after i finished the drawing…



New Earth Consciousness

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