Angel Message | Multidimensionality

The Mystery of Being Multidimensional, According to the Angels

Even Noted Geniuses Call It Mind Blowing


meditating woman looking out upon the multidimensional universe
Image by Facusio Creations from Pixabay

…you are an immortal being having a spiritual experience. — Deepak Chopra

The truth is, you are, in fact, a multidimensional being, existing on many planes of existence simultaneously.

If your mind’s a bit blown, you’re not alone. It’s challenging to wrap your 3rd-dimensional brain around such concepts. Even noted brainiacs, like Neil deGrasse Tyson, have said as much.

But we’ve got the Akashic Records, guides, and angels to explain multidimensionality. So let’s ask them to weigh in on the topic, shall we?

Question From an Inquisitive Soul

I’ve read that when we incarnate, only 10% of our soul’s energy does so while the rest is at the higher self level.

1. What does the higher self do while our 10% is down here? Does it interact with other higher selves? Does it still learn lessons while up there?

2. What happens to the higher self of people who die and become earthbound because they were too afraid of going into the light of home, or because…

