The Nature of Religion

Deborah Grace 🌈
New Earth Consciousness
5 min readAug 15, 2024


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

In this world, the ego is structured at an individual and collective level. Just as consciousness is at an individual and collective level. The collective ego structures in our world can be seen at the top tier as societal, economical, and political.

There are many sub-collective ego structures, and below is a list:

  1. Schools
  2. Work places
  3. Churches
  4. Religious institutions
  5. Our households
  6. Universities
  7. Basically any organized group coming together with a collective purpose, having a leader and a group of followers.

There is something about people being lead, like sheep in a herd, that seldom sat right with me and one such truth pertains to religion.

For years, we’ve been instructed or even dragged along to church by our parents or just the societal norm of having to be somewhat religiously active, as proof that you have done what is expected of you, religiously.

Honestly, as a child and even as a young adult, I never understood the week-after-week church visits. I knew deep down that it’s something that we have to do, but the WHY of it always eluded me.

What religion means to me:



Deborah Grace 🌈
New Earth Consciousness

I'm psychic, a creator, a poet, an artist and a writer. My work includes insights gained by my spiritual awakening, my karmic destiny and life experience.