The Path of Spiritual Growth and Everyday Mindfulness

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Saurav Bhattacharya
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readMar 27, 2023


(Image credit: Bing image creator)


Our journey through life is an ever-evolving process, and each person’s path takes its own unique twists and turns. For some, the quest for self-discovery and spiritual growth becomes a significant part of their lives. One such path that can provide insights into the nature of the self and the universe is Nondualism, a philosophy that asserts the oneness of all things. This blog post will explore the connections between Nondualism, mindfulness, and living a balanced life, while also discussing techniques to navigate through life’s challenges with grace and tranquility.

Finding the One Consciousness: A Nondual Perspective

One of the core tenets of Nondualism is the idea that there is a single, all-encompassing Consciousness that pervades everything in existence. This means that our true selves, our very essence, is deeply connected to the entire universe. This realization can be a transformative experience, and often, it is the beginning of a spiritual journey where one starts to explore the nature of their true self.

Mindfulness and Nondualism: A Synergistic Relationship

Though Nondualism and mindfulness are distinct concepts, they share a common thread: the pursuit of inner awareness and understanding. Mindfulness, often practiced through meditation, directs our attention inwards, allowing us to observe our thoughts, emotions, and sensations. This inner exploration can help us reach the first stage of Nondual understanding, which involves recognizing that we are not our bodies or minds, but rather pure awareness.

Balancing Worldliness and Spirituality

In a world that is increasingly interconnected, it is essential to find a balance between engaging with the world and nurturing our spiritual growth. This balance can be achieved by embracing the Nondual perspective that we are part of the universe and that everything we see, feel, and experience is an extension of our One Consciousness. This understanding can inspire us to tackle life’s challenges with courage and hope, knowing that our actions impact both ourselves and the world around us.

Flow State: Harnessing Your Inner Power

Achieving a flow state, a mental state where we are fully immersed and focused on an activity, can greatly enhance our productivity and well-being. To enter this state, begin with small tasks that you can complete quickly, building upon your success with slightly more challenging tasks while maintaining focus and momentum. By cultivating the flow state, you can channel your inner power to navigate through life’s challenges with greater ease and satisfaction.

Spaced Mindfulness: A Path to Peaceful Living

Spaced mindfulness is a simple yet powerful technique to tackle problems and challenges while maintaining a sense of calm and peace. By incorporating mindfulness into your problem-solving process, you can ensure that you are operating efficiently and not expending your energy needlessly. This technique involves taking small mental steps to solve a problem, and as soon as you feel any stress or discomfort, returning to a state of mindfulness before continuing the process.


Embracing Nondualism, practicing mindfulness, and cultivating a flow state can help us navigate through life with a sense of balance, tranquility, and purpose. As we delve into the infinite depths of our true selves, we can gain valuable insights into our interconnectedness with the universe and our fellow beings. By living mindfully and embracing our One Consciousness, we can face life’s challenges with courage, hope, and grace.



Saurav Bhattacharya
New Earth Consciousness

I think and write about complexity, consciousness, wisdom, beauty and love.