The Power I Never Knew I Had

And how I harnessed it for inner growth

Khalimah Malik
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readAug 31, 2023


I wonder what the world would be like if everyone relied on their internal compass for guidance. Imagine a reality where each decision, big or small, was rooted in a deep sense of knowing.

It’s a realm I chose to step into.

It wasn’t an overnight revelation; rather, it was a gradual unfolding. Listening to those subtle gut feelings and deciphering the symbols within my dreams — it was like piecing together a puzzle that whispered secrets about the universe. The pivotal moment came when those dream symbols manifested in the waking world, like echoes from a future that was asking me to trust.

Yet, this transformation wasn’t a mere flip of a switch. It’s not like one day I woke up with 100% faith in my intuition. Far from it. It was a journey of unlearning and rediscovery. A journey that required me to silence the noise and the societal conditioning that had layered itself over my innate wisdom.

There’s an undeniable beauty in the process of surrendering to oneself. It’s a journey that took me years, filled with moments of skepticism and moments of astonishment. I realized that conditioning my mind to acknowledge that the answers were within required patience, persistence, and a deep trust in the unseen forces guiding us.

Speaking Life Over Our Relationship

The conscious utilization of affirmations served as a pivotal strategy in nurturing my rapport with intuition. Through the consistent articulation of positive affirmations, I undertook a process of reinforcing the presence of intuition within my consciousness.

By commencing each day with statements such as, “My intuition is a reliable guide,” I established a cognitive framework that positioned intuition as an accessible and integral aspect of my decision-making matrix. This practice not only substantiated my partnership with intuition but also engendered a heightened sense of connectivity to its influence.

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Fully Letting Go of Seeking Outwardly

The paradigm shift from external validation to internal validation was a transformative juncture in my journey toward honing intuitive abilities. I recognized that the ceaseless quest for external affirmation, while a common societal inclination, was dilutive to the potency of my innate intuitive acumen.

The decision to relinquish this proclivity was emblematic of a conscious choice to recalibrate my focus. By attenuating the clamor of external voices and redirecting attention toward introspection, I fostered an environment conducive to the organic maturation of intuitive insights.

Asking Questions

The methodology of self-interrogation emerged as a cornerstone in nurturing a symbiotic relationship with my intuition. By engaging in a deliberate and systematic process of introspective questioning, I established a conversational conduit with my intuitive faculty.

This practice was underpinned by a proactive stance, wherein questions of profound import were posed to the self. This initiative yielded a multiplicity of benefits, chiefly the cultivation of a heightened sense of self-awareness and the cultivation of an enhanced capacity to discern the subtle cues of intuition.

The Wrap Up

In the end, I realized that nurturing my relationship with intuition wasn’t about conjuring up mystical experiences. It was about cultivating a quiet yet profound connection with a part of myself that had always been there, patiently waiting to be acknowledged.

So, if you’re ready to speak life over this relationship, if you’re willing to relinquish the chase outside, and if you’re curious enough to ask those introspective questions, get ready. The magic of intuition is right within your reach — it’s a journey of discovery that starts with the courage to look within.


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Khalimah Malik
New Earth Consciousness

Empower individuals to regain control of their minds and ascend to their highest potential |