Science and Spirituality

The Science of ‘Pure Awareness’ and the Magic of Our Unconscious

Recent scientific papers point to the power of unconscious ‘Pure Awareness’ that lies beyond our conscious ego-self.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
14 min readOct 7, 2022


by Misha Dontsov (, cc-by)

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I HAVE mixed feelings about the relationship between science and spirituality. I think that science can never grasp the deepest reality of who we are because that level is beyond the material existence that is the domain of science. But short of that deepest reality, science and scientific theories can certainly offer many insights into our material and spiritual experience.

This past week, I read 2 articles that provide scientific perspectives on what is often called Pure Awareness in spiritual teachings. Other terms that I have heard for Pure Awareness include:

  • the Field of Being, Pure Beingness, Oneness, Nonduality
  • Emptiness (sunyata), No-self (anatta), the Tao, the Void, Nothingness, No Thing
  • Consciousness, Pure Consciousness, I Am-ness, Presence, Radiant Presence
  • Awareness, Pure Awareness, Formless Awareness, Effortless Awareness, Choiceless Awareness



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)