
The Secret of Healing

A Little Story from Hazrat Inayat Khan

Mystic Heart
New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Often, people wonder whether there is a soul or not, because what they are used to is just matter.

Once, while I was traveling on a ship, a young Italian came up to me and said:

“I believe only in eternal matter.”

I said:

“Your faith is not much different from mine.”

He was stunned that a priest (he thought I was a priest) would say such a thing.

“What is your belief?”

He asked.

“What you call eternal matter, I call eternal spirit. What I call spirit, you call matter. What does this indicate? Only the words are different. The eternal is the only one.”

From that moment on, his interest increased; before that, he was very shy.

The secret of healing is to transcend the boundaries of this world of diversity with the power of faith and to touch the unity of all existence with the power of intelligence.

Here, people will be charged with omnipotent power, and with the power of that access, they can help themselves and others in their pain and suffering…

  • Hazrat Inayat Khan

That’s all the story. I’m sure, everyone will obtain the information they need from it.

However, Hazrat Inayat Khan’s approach to the young man is also noteworthy. And I think no words can express this better than the following words by Eckhart Tolle.

Created by the Author using Unsplash

With Love🙏🏻



Mystic Heart
New Earth Consciousness

I share the words, thoughts and excerpts of the books of some wise people who enlightened my path of life. I hope what I share will enlighten your path too.🙏🏻