The Shift Will Dismantle Unaligned Thoughtforms in Society

New Earth Consciousness
5 min readJan 5, 2024

The unaligned segments of the fractal are weakening. The structures of society and it’s leadership serve as a mirror to the collective. The changes in the societal structures and leadership figureheads are excellent gauges for the status and state of the collective. As people in society wake up to the fact that certain structures such as the modern corporation model are inherently exploitative, these structures will have to adapt in increasingly radical ways, and eventually crumble entirely, as the fundamental concepts which are the bricks in the wall dissolve in the rain of truth. The ‘standard 9–5’, physically going to the office at all in white collar work, the militaristic internal structure of the corporation — all of it is a mind trick on the employee, and one that is becoming ever less potent with each passing day.

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The corporation has always been a morally dubious proposition since the concept reached it’s modern apotheosis starting with large European firms such as the British East India Company. Whether viewed as colonial and exploitative from Day 1, or as academia would frame it, agents of international ties via trade, corporations are inherently soulless, and exist to de-couple action from responsibility to any one person while generating profit at scale. Ever since the First Opium War, when the Chinese Qing dynasty had the temerity to object to the importation of opium, the modern corporation has been a golem with no heart, no morality, only a sociopathic clarity in it’s own mission for profit. Although an entire faux-academic framework, legal apparatus, and hand-fed propaganda have been poured into legitimizing the operation in the eyes of it’s victims, its hollow moral framework leaves it a house of cards in the current ascension cycle of Earth.

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The corporate structure thrived and prospered through the 19th and 20th centuries, reached it’s peak power in monopolies such as Standard Oil and US Steel Corporation, during the same period the world was rocked by two World Wars. Theosophy and Anthroposophy are both spiritual, esoteric movements that highlight a link between the spiritual and energetic condition of the Earth, and the general collective consciousness. Those of us that are sensitive to energy can feel clearly that the collective conscious energy of any given time period can vastly change even within the scope of one human life. On the historical scale, these fluctuations produce periods of great expansion, followed generally by periods of decline, decay, and rebirth in a newly aligned framework. While corporations ran roughshod over workers, governments, and traditional ways of life during the decades of deep collective conscious sleep and trauma, as the energy evolves and lifts, the thoughtforms that enabled that domination are now coming under heavy pressure that looks to be accelerating.

White collar jobs have always been an operation against sovereign human inner authority, and as the stilted internal controls are pried apart piece by piece by the energetic changes on Earth, the standard model will warp and bend under the weight of the new energy. For decades, ‘bullshit’ jobs have been the norm for vast swaths of the population. The pandemic forcing instant work from home blew up the brainwash of the standard work day. The insanity of performative productivity is breaking down, as awakening people of all ages, and young people in particular, who have never imbibed the energies of old, rightfully and resoundingly reject such toxic conventions. The extra time freed up will push the more conscious in society towards heart-centered pursuits that will catalyze the exciting transformations occurring. Those that can no longer feel at all aligned under existing corporate structures will increasingly break free successfully, and those within will benefit as well, as there will be a shortage of unquestioning drones to fill the ranks.

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The political leader of any given society is a collective mirror, and is rarely much of an out-of-step reflection of either the light or shadow parts of the collective conscious psychic energy. Although currently it seems as though enlightened leadership is just a fantasy in so many places, it is my belief that as the energy shifts further and further from the 3D, dense, heavy frequencies, the leaders that emerge will begin to reflect the emerging light of society, not only it’s fearful shadows.

Sic temper tyrannisThus always to tyrants

The leadership figures we see today may present as humunculae animated from the most toxic elements of society’s shadow, but there is good reason to be optimistic about society eventually promoting truly visionary, heart-centered, discerning leadership. This current period is defined by such extreme contrast, but it is only through this energetic purging that society matures beyond the childish caricatures that currently wield powerful titles. At some point, the Shift will reach a critical mass, and true leaders in the vision of our best collective aspects will come to the forefront.

Society has long been under the hex of so many harmful concepts that are not in line with our true nature. As the spiritual energy and light increasingly flows in to Earth, opening eyes and hearts, fewer people are buying into the naked ambition, greed, fear and division that has long made for such a plentiful supply of willing human capital to misaligned enterprises. As we welcome a New Year, each one of us has an opportunity to transmute fear, pain, lack, and want, and embrace unity, abundance, connection, and love. The wind of the Shift is at our back, and each passing day brings positive change forward with unprecedented swiftness.

