Travel & Tourism Futures

The Spirituality of Land & Sea in Hawai’i

A Hawaiian spirit guide talks about how to experience the “Heart of the Pacific”.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
8 min readJul 8, 2021


Whale on the North Coast of Oahu, by Alan Lew, author (cc-by)

[This is an edited version of a channeling I received from on a beach on the north shore of Oahu from a spirit guide named Ali’i Kai in March 2020. This was just before the pandemic closed all tourism to the Hawaiian islands.]

This is A Special Place

Ali’i Kai: Hello, Alan. Welcome to Hawai’i.

This is a special place. Because it is so far from the mainlands that are on the edges of this single most important and largest entity on the planet Earth: the Pacific Ocean.

This present spot is not quite in the center, but it is close to the upper left side of the ocean body. It is like where the heart is located in the human body. That is where Hawai’i is in this ocean.

And just as the heart has that special meaning in the human body, so does Hawai’i in the Pacific Ocean. People come here because they know that this is a unique place.

The Spiritual Reality of The Pacific Ocean

THE land is very diverse on the different Hawaiian islands. Each island has its own…



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)