The Treacherous Waters of Emotion

Navigating the Tumultuous Activities of the Mind

The Meraphysician
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readAug 12, 2024


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The Sleeping Christ

“Let us go over to the other side.”

Jesus suggested to his disciples the crossing over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. As they made their way through the seas, a sudden yet ferocious storm encountered the twelve disciples while Jesus slept.

The storm caused the waves to break, the wind rattled and shook the boat as it was suddenly inundated with the sea itself. Not only was the boat in danger to being utterly destroyed, the livelihood of the disciples was also threatened.

Frantically, the disciples cried and yelled in despair as they awoke the sleeping Rabbi. “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” They beseeched for a form of interference from the one who they deemed to be the Anointed One. Surely, he must be able to have an answer to their despair.

The teacher awoke, spoke to the wind and the waves “Quiet! Be still!” The wind went from thunderous ferocity to complete calm. The waves went from the roaring threat of imminent destruction to a halting stillness. The atmosphere, taciturn. All was silent.

“Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” He asked. They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

Galilee means Mountain. “Let us cross over to the other side,” as we journey our way through life, we each have a mountain designated to us. This mountain may represent many things in your life, or just one things — but this mountain must be climbed. On the top of the mountain, you will receive the clarity of what you experienced within the valleys.

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The sea of Galilee here represents the waters of emotions. As we go from the left side of our mind — the safe and logical rationality of what we make life to be, toward the right side of our mind — representing freedom of self from the human constructs and fluid expression of creativity, we encounter many perilous dangers.

The mind is able to induce chaos as we ascend within our mind from the lower mind of comfort, fear and doubt to the heights of our Higher Mind — Our Divine Mind. The fears rock us, the doubt roars like a terrifying wind threatening our journey to the other side.

As your boat rattles, as the storm threatens your livelihood, remember that within your boat is a sleeping master. A sleeping Christ that governs and manipulates all forms of matter, exposing the casted shadow of the mind to discourage you from pursuing your desire of reaching the other side of your mountain, the side where the sun shines and illuminates.

The dormant Christ is the untapped potential of the power of your being. It is the layers of Higher States of consciousness you have not yet discovered. The power and authority that you hold to silence the storms of life, the waves of troubled emotions that cause trembling and fear.

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The Christ had already spoken a word “Let us go over to the other side,” this command was a spoken decree that will never return empty or void. The word preceded the journey taken by the disciples, it was already making the way for the arrival of the boat to the other side of the mountain.

You are running the good race of Salvation as you seek out the illumination of your Truth in these rough seas of old stories, and emotions. When you boat rocks and the tempest of your mind seems to overpower you, when you find yourself paralyzed with fear, just remember there is a Christ within you, ready to confront anything that serves as a wall of disruption on your Pilgrimage Journey.

If there is only thing that you must remember is that “He is Good and he is God, he is God and he is Good.” The Christ within you will not let you perish. The winds push, the waters rock, your hope rattles as the storm plagues your existence, your answer will come from knowing that in the middle of every storm of your life there is something within you that the winds and storms recognize and obey in reverence.

When the emotions threaten to overcome, when the memories of pain and hurt leak into your day, when the wounding reopens, when you are alone, when you feel forgotten and abandoned, when you find yourself in lack, when you find yourself in yet another agonizing night, remember, you will make it to the other side for “He is Good and he is God, he is God and he is Good.” Over and over and over and over again.

Awaken the Christ within.

In Love and Oneness,



The Meraphysician
New Earth Consciousness

The water-bearing air sign. An overthinker with a Christ complex.