These 3 Things Will Make Waiting For Your Manifestation Easier

Enjoy The Journey

Ashley P
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readMay 7, 2024


Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

I remember when I first began consciously manifestation. I put my desire out and I wanted to see it fast. My mind would be filled with questions of when is this going to happen, how is it going to happen, is this going to happen and so much more. This was before I understood that creation was already finished and that my manifestations were already present. I was still looking for proof in the 3D, not understanding that I’d already created my desire through my imagination.

I was impatient and couldn’t wait to physically see my manifestation in the 3D realm. Truth be told, I’m still impatient at times but I’ve learned how to transmute that impatience to make it work for me. As spiritual beings having an earthly experience, many of us are often in such a hurry to get to the end result, that we miss the opportunity to enjoy the process.

I’ve found a few things that helped me along the way. I hope they help you as well.

1. Utilizing Tools

Crystals, tarot, pendulums, visualization, affirmations and scripting are here to assist you on your manifestation journey. Whey you need help while waiting for your manifestation, these tools can help you by reminding you of the power you have within, amplifying your energy and providing you with messages and answers that you seek.

Crystals can be programed to amplify whatever energy you’re working with.

Tarot and pendulums can provide you with answers to your questions.

Visualization helps you see yourself already having and enjoying your manifestation.

Affirming reminds you that you are that which you speak and think you are.

Scripting writes your manifestation into the physical realm and combines the use of visualization and affirming to create your future. You’re literally writing your vision when you script.

These are just a few tools that you can use to help you while waiting for your manifestation.

2. Acknowledging Your Fears

Many manifestation teachers will teach you that if you’re afraid you won’t manifest. The part that is left out is that you must work through your fears by healing your beliefs in order to be an intentional manifester so that you can manifest the things you want instead of the things you don’t want. We are always manifesting. I learned that part of the reason I wanted things to hurry up and manifest was because I was afraid I would miss it or that they wouldn’t come at all. This was due to years of unconscious limiting beliefs that I had that I never worked through. I began to see the fear, acknowledge the fear and feel into why the fear was there to begin with. Doing shadow work helped me tremendously with this. I believe that shadow work is essential during your spiritual journey and healing work. When I faced my fears instead of running from them, things began to change.

3. Recognizing The Signs

The Universe sends signs and synchronicities to you while you’re waiting for your manifestation in the physical realm. These signs can come in the form of angel numbers, dreams, nature, visions, messages from people, songs, hearing something you were just thinking about, seeing a message that aligns with your manifestation and so much more.

You can ask for the signs but many times in my experience, signs just appear along my path. The key is being open to receive the signs and when they occur, see them beyond their physical meaning by looking at their supernatural meaning. Recognizing the signs will ease any concerns you have by reminding you that you are in fact on the right path.

I hope you enjoyed this article and picked up some tips that will assist you with your manifestation journey.

If you’d like assistance with manifesting, join my email list where I share tips on manifestation using universal laws and ancient spiritual principals.

Manifestation Help For You

Much abundance to you and yours,




Ashley P
New Earth Consciousness

I share spiritual messages to help you through your spiritual awakening, healing and ascension. Spirituality changed my life and it will change yours too.