Excerpt from “My Channeling Diaries”

This Is What Happened When I Tried to “Voice Channel” for the First Time

No spirit voices, but this simple, first experience was surprisingly promising and exciting.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readOct 9, 2021


by Agata Gri (cc-by, Flicker.com)

November 25, 2019 — Monday Evening

I had a cold and my energy was low. I had signed up for a class on How to Channel on Udemy.com earlier in the day. I also found a free course on YouTube. Being bed-stricken, I made my way though the first lessons of both of those courses fairly quickly.

That same day, in the evening, I attempted to Channel my spirit guides for the first time. I had been keeping a dream diary since I took a dream class in Spring 2018. This is what I wrote in my dream diary:

I followed instructions from the first lesson in the Udemy class and the first lesson of another channeling class that I found for free on YouTube. [*]

I selected a space in my house where I already have an “altar” of items that were gifts given to me over the years. The altar included a Tibetan tanka painting, a Tibetan mala, a ceramic Buddha face (Chinese), a small painting of Krishna and Radha, and a good size Himalayan rock salt lamp that I purchased myself.



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — http://www.AlanLew.com (paywall-free article links)