Time and Space, illusions of the mind?

Rethinking the concepts Time and Space

Henry Muli
New Earth Consciousness
2 min readAug 12, 2022


Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

The concept that we exist in time and space is, in my opinion, an illusion of the conditioned human mind.

Time doesn’t exist, a well known fact. The so-called ‘timeline’ of years, and weeks, and months is but a construct of society. It is a numeral system developed to ‘organize’ in an attempt to understand the progression of evolution.
It is however a trivial and very limited concept of the mind, and does not actually represent a dimension of existence.

The progressive evolution of the Universe is a multifaceted and sophisticated phenomenon that cannot, and should not, be put on a linear timeline.

Space, on the other hand, if understood as the separation between an object and the next is also an illusion.

This concept of space is dependent upon the assumption that the universe is physical, and only physical. And thus there could actually exist ‘spaces’ between physical things…

Which is obviously illusory because the Universe is not physical.

The Universe is a vast ocean of Energy. And physical objects are only a condensation of that energy. And if everything is one fluid endless energy, then the ‘vacuums’ or assumed emptiness we call space couldn’t exist.

Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash

Space couldn’t be an ‘emptiness’ between things. It is actually a presence of energies invisible to the naked eye. And therefore, the apparent separation between things is only because eyes cannot see energy.

Time and space are therefore only constructs of the mind, in its attempts to understand the Universe. They may have been helpful to the expansion of Consciousness for a while, but enslavement to these concepts is only but detrimental…

Feel free to leave a thought here if you agree or disagree with this position.

Lots of Love.

