To Live, We Must Die

The nature of ascension is to choose death

Reyna Park
New Earth Consciousness


photo by Kier on Unsplash

During the April eclipse I sought the healing effects of the plant medicine ayahuasca. During a particularly intense moment, I heard a voice say,

“It is time to die now.”

I saw that this was no joke, and felt the unmistakable vibration of death.

I felt the instinctual fear of death rise up within me.

I felt like I was actually about to die.

I felt myself moving towards death, towards oblivion.

Then, I felt complete surrender.

I moved through the death portal. I began to smile, nay, I began to laugh . . .

I felt much lighter on the other side.

In this lifetime, we are undergoing a critical ascension. The globe is slowly returning to a state of unity consciousness, which is defined by a general disposition of service-to-others, including animals and the planet.

As the ascension energies intensify, we will all be asked to rapidly release old programming that has kept us in separation consciousness, which thrives on a state of service-to-self, with no regard to animals and the planet.

