Transformation: An Inevitable Dive When Ego Shifts

Manas_ Das
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readNov 13, 2023
Photo by Sammie Chaffin on Unsplash

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The need for transformation

The habits, thought patterns, action sequence, and emotional/mental way of dealing with things constitute one’s state of existence. Ego, the spiritual sense of I but not the self-importance as it is commonly understood, tries to realize its full potential. The ego is in flux, its quality changes as we proceed with time. Most of the time the change is at a tolerance limit. Therefore the acquired state of existence is sufficient to make it realize its full potential with minor modifications. However, there could be an event in life that could bring a major shift in the ego and the state of existence is no longer capable of serving its purpose. This is when a need for transformation is inevitable. There could be a shift in ego but the resistance could be so strong that transformation is perceived beyond the scope.

We hear so many stories of near-death encounters, psychedelic experiences, intensive spiritual confrontations, extreme emotional ordeals, etc. which have resulted in a major shift in the personality of the experiencer. These events trigger a change in the ego construct thus resulting in a renewed personality. In several other incidences where the ego has already reached its epitome under the constraints of one state, it then shifts its construct. We see this in the case of several successful individuals after attaining everything they have strived for. In either case, transformation becomes inevitable for coherent survival. Strong resistance to the transformation in the form of surrounding pressure, adherence to norms, perceived responsibilities, etc. deter the process. At this juncture, guidance or a divine intervention becomes extremely advantageous to steer through this unknown realm.

Old mind vs new mind

Under the shackles of the existing state of being, the shifted ego starts to feel suffocated, unfulfilled, irritated, unhappy and demotivated. Everything around seems like a big mistake—the things and acts that used to be dear, no longer garner any interest. A distasteful focus builds around stupidity everywhere, gradually leading to a sense of non-belongingness. Introversion rises and leads to rampant thoughts of questioning reality and its identity. An extremely uneasy state where all the nectars of life appear to have been sucked out to thin air. A continuous battle between the mind and itself ensues, where on one hand it tries to change the state of existence and on the other hand the same mind enforces upon itself all the burdens to resist change.

Old mind vs new mind, both the same minds giving a fierce fight to their cases. On one side the unprecedented taste of limitless freedom and possibilities from the shifted ego, and on the other side the reluctant mind to leave the old habitual patterns. Unknown always instills fear. This time it’s not a small unknown, it’s a complete shift in the paradigm. For the mind, habituated to plan for safety and security for itself and the family, the vast unknown with severe compromise to safety and security develops an insurmountable boundary made of fear. It’s all fear, How am I going to survive? How is my family going to handle it? etc.

The two options dancing in front of the mind are to jump into the unknown or forget everything as a bad episode and continue to be in the safe zone. There is no denying that there could be chances for the latter to happen but most likely the de-shift of ego wouldn’t be an easy task. Under burden, pressure, and fear the transformation may have been deterred but most likely the suffocation would continue. However, with time if it has subsided and the mind has accepted the de-shift, then it’s wise to move on and soon it shall find its lost nectar back from the thin air. Otherwise, there is no escape and a transformation is about to begin.

The dive

Darkness which has dawned upon the mind, needs a tint of courage. The universe signals to jump on the ride and a sigh of fearlessness arises. The mind softly speaks to itself “What worse can happen than the current state of existence” and then a new era of life begins. It’s not that life has immediately kickstarted to a blissful existence, it's going to be an arduous heck of a journey. Each step is about unlearning and learning new things. As it continues on the path, the truth starts to reveal itself slowly and gradually. Ingenuity becomes the virtue and all the pretense evaporates. Clarity of the goal, purpose, and identity gets restored and the mind finds itself in amazement. As it proceeds to find love, it becomes love. Discipline, selflessness, compassion, blissfulness, and calmness all follow. The story doesn’t end here, it is the beginning…

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Manas_ Das
New Earth Consciousness

Writer, Mindfulness & Meditation practitioner, Wellness coach. My blogs can be found here -