Be Here Now & Celebrate Life

Uncle Harry’s “Be Here Now” Message at Age 100

The world is so beautiful and mysterious. Nobody knows how the world came about. This is amazing.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readNov 3, 2022


Playing Chinese chess in Portsmouth Square, Chinatown, San Francisco (by Alan Lew, author, cc-by)

Harry Lew is from the same county in China as my dad, though he is not directly related to us. He was one of my dad’s best friends when he lived in the San Francisco area after arriving from China in 1940 at age 16. My Dad passed away in 2001, but Uncle Harry celebrated his 100th birthday in August 2022 and is still going strong.

An article appeared in a San Francisco neighborhood association online newsletter about Uncle Harry turning 100 (⬇️). It included 2 videos of him playing tennis, and an audio recording of his philosophy of life and longevity.

Here is a transcript of his life philosophy, which you can also hear him speak at the end of the article above (⬆️).

Don’t worry, be happy and enjoy life.



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)