Upgrading your 3D Consciousness to Higher Dimensional Levels of Existence

Transcending beyond identity labels into Your Heart and Higher Self

Ashley Heacock
New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Josh Gordon

As a soul you are born into this world in the 3rd dimension, and you are immediately categorized as a boy or a girl. You take on this “identity”. Soon, you learn more things about who you think you are. This could be black, white; rich, poor; Christian, Muslim; American, Chinese. Eventually you take on new identities such as a banker, a teacher, or a doctor.

These 3D identities, while important and part of the geometric coded sequence of You, can blind you to Who You Truly Are. While differences are what makes up the Universe and are to be respected and understood, a person can get trapped there and remain limited in their evolution as a Soul. You can feel like you are living the lives of your parents, friends, and society rather than that of your own choosing. Your Body can feel like it is stuck in anger, pain, sadness, greed, competition, and fear, and you will be living your life from an “egoic” identity, or a mask you put on that hides your True Heart and Soul.

This is when an upgrade in consciousness is needed, where higher dimensional awareness is necessary. This could be called a “spiritual awakening” ~ when you get sick (oftentimes physically) because…



Ashley Heacock
New Earth Consciousness

Poet, Energy Healer, Teacher, Spiritual Philosopher ~ Here to express Love from The HeartWomb <3