Using the Violet Flame to Supercharge Your Shadow Work

A simple but powerful exercise to transmute unhealthy buried emotions and limiting beliefs

Jim Malloy
New Earth Consciousness
2 min readJan 18, 2024


Violet Flame
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I’ve recently intensified my shadow work — spending more time reflecting and journaling to help bring my unhealthy buried emotions and limiting beliefs into the light of awareness.

When the emotions and beliefs have come to light, I’ve been feeling and examining them, and using positive affirmations to facilitate the transformation process.

Although this was producing some results, I’d been feeling the need for something more powerful to transform and release these emotions and beliefs. Then I remembered that many years ago, I used to work with the Violet Flame to transmute negative energies. So I’ve begun using it again, and it feels very powerful and effective.

If you’re not familiar with the Violet Flame, the color violet is the highest vibration on the spectrum, thus imbuing the Violet Flame with a very high vibrational energy that possesses great transformational powers.

If you would like to incorporate the Violet Flame into your shadow work, here’s a simple exercise for you…

A short, simple exercise for working with the Violet Flame

1. Look at the image of the violet flame at the top of this page for a few moments.

2. Invite the violet flame to fill you and enfold you. Then continue looking at the image for a minute or two while you imagine this happening.

3. Invoke the violet flame to transmute whatever it is you want to release. You can simply say: “I call on the Violet Flame to transmute ____________.” You can be as specific or as general as you like, and your list can include as many things as you choose.

4. Continue looking at the image, but with your primary focus on the transformation process the Violet Flame is catalyzing within you.

5. Continue for 2–5 minutes. Because this is a very powerful process, it’s best not to overdo it. A few minutes each day is more effective than trying to transmute everything in just one or two sessions.

6. When you are finished, imagine the Violet Flame withdrawing upward, and then thank it for its assistance.

7. Then take a few moments to imagine a brilliant Sun entering your crown chakra and slowly moving downward through you, replacing what’s been released with spiritual light.

That’s all there is to it. I believe you will find this simple exercise to be very powerful and effective.



Jim Malloy
New Earth Consciousness

I’m a meditation teacher living in Fairfield, Iowa. Trained in 1973 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, I’ve been teaching meditation for 50 years.