Vulnerability leads to Invulnerability

The illusion of Separation leads to your Isolation

The Meraphysician
New Earth Consciousness
2 min readAug 8, 2024


The tricky thing about trauma is that its isolation makes you feel alone. Feeling disconnected from the self, implements the impression that we are disconnected from the rest of the world. We feel misunderstood by others because we misunderstand ourselves.

The more our thoughts and emotions cripple us, the more we shut ourselves away in the fortress of seclusion we build around ourselves. The walls built of grief and pain disables us from recognizing that each and every one of us has a common need: the need to be seen, loved, valued and understood.

If we all individually Rapunzel ourselves away in our towers of despair, how could we ever relate to one another? How would we ever connect? How could we ever heal? To bring about healing we must nurture, address, cleanse, and apply the proper treatment to our open wound before wrapping it tight in dressing. This vulnerability of exposure is what leads to your invulnerability.

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Allowing yourself to be seen by you, and by others is the remedy that will bring us all healing. Your story is your most powerful weapon, the one that will impact not only your life, but the lives of others. Your story of bravery and overcoming will bring unlock the bravery and will within others. You will influence many others to come out of hiding as they also share their stories, influencing many more. Within the safety of you telling your story, you encourage others to find safety within themselves, the safety to be open, vulnerable and honest. You will serve as a reminder to others that they are not alone, none of us are alone if we have one another.

Display your music, your art, your writing, your craftsmanship, your brilliant ideas, your business’, your teachings — for it is all your power manifested in many forms. The potency of your story is meant to fuel your passions and creativity, not hinder it. When you flow with the power of your authenticity, when you open your heart to connection, the world suddenly becomes a brighter and safer place.

Boldy wear your eclectic range of colors — from the most vibrant of hues to the most muddled of colors, for it is the artform of your most wonderous life.

Welcome to the 888 Portal, allow yourself to experience your magnetic power.

In Love and Oneness,



The Meraphysician
New Earth Consciousness

The water-bearing air sign. An overthinker with a Christ complex.