Wake Up From Your Heavy Sleep

What Does ‘Knowing Yourself’ Mean?

Mystic Heart
New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Daniel Mirlea on Unsplash

Wake up from your heavy sleep, tear off the material cover that surrounds you.

You must learn to know yourself, to realize the powers you have, and to use them.

All the voices of nature and space are shouting to you:

“Get up and walk! Hurry up to conquer your destiny!”

I call out to everyone who is crushed under the burden of life, who feels sad because they think they are alone, or who longs for nothingness:

“There is no such thing as nothingness;

Death is a new birth, progress towards new tasks, new work, and new harvests.”

  • Leon Denis, a notable French spiritist philosopher, and one of the principal exponents of spiritism after the death of Allan Kardec.
    Excerpt from his book “Ruhun Güçleri” / “Powers of the Spirit”

‘Knowing yourself’ does not mean learning your habits, your personality, or what kind of person you are. This expression means ‘having essential knowledge about your existence’…

So we should ask ourselves questions such as:

“Who am I? What am I? What am I doing? What is the reason for all this work? What is the reason for these struggles and conflicts? What is my goal? Why do I live on earth?”

and try to obtain this information as much as possible. Only in this way can we make more accurate decisions about which of the forking roads that life throws at us we should follow.

You need to know very well what your goal is and where you want to reach it. Of course, this is an issue that depends primarily on your understanding and comprehension capacity…

You have the bow in your hand; you are stretching it, but where will you shoot? You need to know, or, in other words, choose, towards which target you will shoot the arrow. Which target you direct the arrow to is entirely up to your choice.

If you are making some requests that are not in line with your purpose, then:

“These are my artificial needs, where did they come from? There is nothing like this on the way to my goal. My goal is very simple, I will pass through here and reach this point. So why should I come from the other side of the world when there are so many shortcuts?”

you should say.

Being able to identify a target is very important. When you choose the fastest way to reach your goal, you have made a choice that will meet your real needs.

  • Ergün Arıkdal
    Excerpt from the book “Sonsuzluk Yolcusu, Evrensel İnsan” / “Traveler of Eternity, Universal Man”

Lastly, for those who do not know the book The Divine Order and The Universe, I want to share my article about it below.

Created by the Author using Unsplash

Enjoy the music!…

With Love🙏🏻



Mystic Heart
New Earth Consciousness

I share the words, thoughts and excerpts of the books of some wise people who enlightened my path of life. I hope what I share will enlighten your path too.🙏🏻