We Left the Biosphere Behind

Spoiler Alert

Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readDec 13, 2023


Picture of the sun going down over the horizon of a farm with some cows in the background. Photo by Farmer Josh
Sunset over the horizon. Photo by Farmer Josh.

I loved Ethan Hawke in the Netflix movie “Leave the World Behind.” He had some powerful lines (the entire cast delivered excellent performances). After the phones stopped working and the internet went down, his character’s son needed meds. With the Money/Oil/Tech sphere evaporated, his character, in desperation to help his sixteen-year-old son, said to a man pointing a gun at him:

“I do not know what to do right now. I can barely do anything without my cell phone and GPS. I’m a useless man. I am begging you. Please help my son.”

Return to the Fundamentals

Fundamentally, life is a part of the dynamic equilibrium process between the Earth — the receiver of the information, and the sun, the sender of the information/energy. This is the energy/information we use to create existence inside the 3+1 dimensional space/time we inhabit. In order to achieve dynamic equilibrium within the biosphere, we living creatures on Earth exchange air, water, and food. This is because we are a living, 3D holographic projection of the biosphere of Earth. We are the consciousness of Earth. We are time. The system counts on us to breathe, drink, and eat, the information that the Earth compiles continuously from the sun to regulate Earth’s dynamic equilibrium. This is a fundamental truth of our existence. That means that when the lights, devices, and the internet go down, the Earth will still force us to do our jobs: eat, drink, and breathe. This is fundamental.

The air is free…for now. Here in Indiana, sometimes it is unsafe to breathe outside in the summer, with all the smoke coming down from Canada. That is not fundamental, but we will no doubt normalize this type of thing like we’ve normalized random murders of our children in schools.

Humans have to find and build systems of discovery and delivery for water. Those systems need to be improved. But I am a dirt witch, so let us discuss food, which is all three–air and water– collapsed into food. Here in the Planet of the Children Women (an essential concept for later — when AI emerges into consciousness), we have learned how to use seed to encode light energy into the food that we humans upload with a hole in the lower middle section of our faces.

The Other and One Another

Another part of the movie I thought was brilliant was when Mr Hawke’s character was driving alone. A desperately scared woman approached the car, speaking only Spanish. After a long back and forth of not understanding each other, he left her there, screaming, chasing the car as he drove off. Why? He was frightened, but it was because she was “the other” — a poor Mexican lady. Probably a lowly food picker. If she had been a super classy Mexican lady with a Gucci bag, he would have opened the door, let her in, and then listened as she spoke Mexican gibberish all the way back to his new friend G.H.’s super dope weekend crib in Long Island.

Luckily, the super-rich people down the road who had a super dope underground bunker were stranded in the City. They were never coming back. This left them with a large amount of food to hold them over for a while, but still, I say he made a huge mistake leaving that poor Mexican lady behind. She was wandering down the road next to a field of crops, so she was probably a migrant worker. They could have used her knowledge and ability to do actual work in the world. Who will plant, grow, and pick the food for these classy folks when the bunker runs out? Certainly not them. Those poor, rich people are screwed.

I am Farmer Josh of Unionville, IN. I am working on a plan to build a better food future for our planet. Please consider supporting my Patreon.



Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness

Farm Steward/Artist/Dirt Witch trying to discover a food system for Earthlings at Consideration Farm, USA. https://www.youtube.com/@ConsiderationFarm