What Are Timelines?

Timelines create a pathway and a frequency that affect our lives

Grace Mary Power
New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

The following notes were taken by me after listening to Jennifer Hoffman’s video about Timelines: at


A timeline is an energetic outcome of a linear event or a linear expression of a genetic imprint.

The one with the strongest energy is the one affecting us in the moment.

Timelines create a pathway and a frequency that affect our lives. They are not always linear in the sense of one after the other, but are a line of events and our interpretations of the events.

These timelines radiate out from us and can be joined by lines of outcomes from other events.

Graphic created by Grace Mary Power

Triggers are an event that sets off a particular unhelpful Timeline.

Our subconscious may tend to choose events, people, and places that trigger the Timeline that has the strongest hold on us.

For example, “Any time I — — , ____ will happen.”



Grace Mary Power
New Earth Consciousness

Editor of Thirty over Fifty. I help you to care for yourself through spirituality and tech. We need both.