What does humanity’s future look like?

Can Nonduality shed light on our destiny?

Saurav Bhattacharya
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readSep 6, 2022


Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash

I was casually discussing this with my long-time school and university friends on a Zoom video call today: who the future superpowers would be: will it be the US? China? India? EU? In 10 years? 20 years? 100 years?

We were making hypotheses, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of contenders, and pointing to analyses by experts. Overall, we had a good, informative session, although we had to drop in the middle (it had been more than a four-hour-long discussion, and we had to eat :))

Later, as I was mulling over the topic alone, I surmised that the divisions of nations and civilizations, people and power, and war and peace are but concepts of duality. China’s success, or US’ success, is no different from humankind’s success. If India produces a low-cost space mission, that is an achievement for all humanity, not only India. Yet, we all take these distinctions and divisionary concepts for granted, stemming from a dualistic worldview.

Dualistic worldview

The dualistic worldview, or someone that holds such a worldview, would say that this world consists of smaller pieces: nations, states, countries, cities, and civilizations, each with its own distinct identity. For example, the US has interests, and so do the EU, China, and India. Often these separate entities are not at peace with each other because of conflicting viewpoints and self-serving goals that are at odds with each other. People with a dualistic perspective scope their sense of identity and belonging to their group. And they meet any perceived threat to that group’s existence with iron fists.

A Nondual worldview?

However, anyone who sees the world in this broken-down format does not realize a different place of existence in which human consciousness lives. Pick out a human being from anywhere in the world, and you will find that that person has the same awareness of themselves and the world around them as you. They might have different cultures, ideas, beliefs, hopes, fears, and wants, but they share the same consciousness that you and I do. They experience the same feelings that you and I do.

Now realize all human beings in this world are such; everyone shares the same consciousness; when you hurt one of us, you hurt yourself; when you help one of us, you help yourself. We win together, and we lose together. We are all in this together. We only have each other and no one else.

What is the future?

You might say well, that’s not how this world is. Sure, it seems like it is not. But there are attempts by those who realize the oneness of all beings. There have already been great strides via the Internet. This world is becoming ever connected through the miracles of technology; while it is nowhere near where it could be, we see that what human beings naturally want to do is click. If the current systems of government and nations don’t espouse the same story, it could be because they are the remnants of a previously unconnected world. However, new communication systems like Facebook, TikTok, and the like are gradually bringing the world closer daily. A dualistic worldview and the game of picking out winners and losers seems to be fast becoming but an exercise of the bygone days.

Final thoughts

I am no expert in international politics, civilization, or macroeconomics. But I can say that our reality’s true nature is Nondual. So, what effects will that have on the world consciousness as humanity moves forward in this especially significant technological boom? What direction is humankind taking? If we have learned anything from our past, division leads to loss, and unity leads to victory.




Saurav Bhattacharya
New Earth Consciousness

I think and write about complexity, consciousness, wisdom, beauty and love.