Towards a spiritual worldview

What is More Fundamental— Matter or Consciousness?

Here are 9 reasons why it is more likely the latter

Gary Niemen
New Earth Consciousness
15 min readApr 25, 2022


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Several years ago, after reading the debate-styled book War of the Worldviews: Science vs. Spirituality by Leonard Mlodinow (representing a scientific materialist worldview) and Deepak Chopra (representing a spiritual worldview), I was a bit disappointed and reluctant to conclude that Leonard won the argument. I didn’t want Leonard to win. I really didn’t. But I felt that Deepak’s arguments too often fell back on something like: Holding a spiritual worldview makes you feel better, so it must be the truest worldview. And — I am sure you would all agree — that’s not really a good enough argument to win out.

However, time has moved on and as I now reflect on this science vs spirituality question or rather — as I like to say — scientific materialist worldview vs spiritual worldview, I really think that we are starting to see a paradigm shift out in the world. What I am picking up is that more and more scientists who previously held a scientific materialist worldview are either openly or in private beginning to entertain the idea that a spiritual worldview might make more sense. In other words, rather than matter and energy being more fundamental than consciousness — as is the…



Gary Niemen
New Earth Consciousness

Product manager and technical writer in tech by day. Writing about life, mind, and wellbeing by night. All from our red farmhouse in the Swedish countryside.