What is Spiritualism?

A Knowledge Path

Mystic Heart
New Earth Consciousness


Image from the page https://www.facebook.com/thedivineorderandtheuniverse

Realistic and rational spiritualism cannot be held responsible for the actions of those who misuse it, just as medicine cannot be held responsible for the ridiculous and absurd formulas or practices used by charlatans or ignorant individuals. Once again, we suggest that before passing judgment on spiritualism, take the trouble to examine it thoroughly.

  • Allan Kardec

Spiritualism is to believe knowingly, to live knowingly, to evolve knowingly, to use desire and will knowingly, and to know oneself knowingly.

Spiritualism is responsible for expanding and increasing the conscious dimension in humans. It is its duty to increase the number of “self-aware” individuals by raising their capacities of conscious levels.

Spiritualism is a knowledge path that enables human beings to approach each other, themselves, and the universe; it is a wide avenue. What will be achieved at the end of the avenue is understood at the beginning of the avenue; it is not philosophy, nor is it physics.

It is a broad path that comprehensively teaches humans their true purpose and prepares the “awakened individual” by uniting all paths at a higher level. Walking on this path requires effort and sacrifice. It requires abandoning the needs of the ego knowingly, willingly, and understandingly. Then comes the knowledge.

  • Ergün ARIKDAL
    Excerpt from the book “Ruhsallık Üzerine Denemeler” / “Essays on Spirituality”

Those who struggle with life have never correctly identified what they want to do. Very few can determine this correctly. Ask anyone you know why they work so hard and what they aim to achieve. They will say they struggle to become rich, to achieve prosperity, or to secure their future. In other words, they always talk about worldly matters.

But you will never find anyone who says they use their earnings as a force to break down obstacles in their path and seek solutions to find the right way, or that they help those who are stuck on the roads, or that they engage in endeavors that prioritize the interests of humanity. If you encounter someone who answers like this, know that they are a successful student in the exam of life and a true human being.

  • Sertaç Mehmet Temizel,
    Excerpt from the book “Dr. Bedri Ruhselman’dan KADER VE ZORUNLULUK” / “DESTINY AND OBLIGATION from Dr. Bedri Ruhselman”
Created by the Author

With Love🙏🏻



Mystic Heart
New Earth Consciousness

I share the words, thoughts and excerpts of the books of some wise people who enlightened my path of life. I hope what I share will enlighten your path too.🙏🏻