4D & 5D Spiritual Technologies, Skills & Understandings

What is Visualization? Does it Work?

Using visualization in meditation to develop spiritual skills

Reyna Park
New Earth Consciousness


(Reyna Park ‘24)

There are many types of meditation, so it is not always clear what a meditation is asking us to do, or how it will help us. Here we’ll talk about the hot topic of visualization during meditation to understand what benefits visualization could bring (spoiler, there are many).

Certain meditation experts tend to avoid visualization techniques, sparking debates among clinicians (medical professionals) regarding visualization’s real value. This is likely given that “visualization” can quickly turn to a form of “daydreaming.”

Nevertheless, some people find that visualization is the best way for them to experience the benefits of their meditation practice. A popular meditation, the metta or loving-kindness meditation, holds the intention of cultivating love. Traditionally, doing this meditation evokes feelings of love within the heart space. However, for some, it might be easier to visualize love as a warm, radiant light initially, rather than sensing its presence within their bodies immediately. Starting with visualization can be an easy way to transition into embodying love. In this way, we use visualization as a powerful gateway for connecting to the Divine.

What other visualization strategies aid in developing spiritual skills?

Let’s get right down to it.

If you’ve been following the spiritual corner of Medium, you’re likely aware of the concept that the entire Universe is a manifestation of one consciousness. Modern scientific theories support the notion that all of space is unified consciousness (hence the term UNIverse).

Ok Reyna, how does this universal consciousness relate to visualization?

Well, using our consciousness, we can travel the Universe’s consciousness, like a yoyo sliding on a string. We can use our minds to “feel” the Universe.

We can visit our deceased ancestors and our higher-dimensional selves using just our minds. We only have to find the right roads to take us where we want to go.

Visualization can take us along the road.

The spiritual journey looks like many things, but a common thread is self discovery via meditation. During meditation, we go within to connect with ourselves. We can set intentions as to what we would like to accomplish or experience, and then begin visualizing our intention.

There are many types of intentions to set. Some meditation is purely to train our brains to be focused, and I recommend practicing this kind fo meditation frequently. Try counting from 0 to 10 and focusing on each of the numbers one at a time. Visualize the number and allow the feeling, or vibration, of the number to fill you up. Which number is your favorite? Which number was easier to visualize, or focus on? Which was harder?

Other meditation practices allow us to explore our subconscious, uncovering our shadow aspects — subconscious beliefs and patterns that subtly influence our lives. For example, one shadow side I have been healing recently is the belief that I have scarce or finite resources, though this is not true. To counteract this belief, I visualize myself with the types of abundance that feel good to me. I imagine myself surrounded by loving friends and artistic materials. This helps my manifestation process.

During yet other forms of meditation, we can engage in advanced spiritual skills like removing chords and sending loving-kindness to another person. When I do this, I imagine the person’s body before me as an outline. Where are the chords? When I ask this, they appear on the person’s body within my mind’s eye, ready for me to clear. I imagine sweeping them away. Chords are created by our thoughts that vibrate below the frequency of unconditional love. They are like spiderwebs, we will want to clear them. I wrote about my experience with chords here and here.

To finish up, I send this person my unconditional love, by imagining my love entering their body in the crown chakra as a ray of light.

What else can we do with visualization? The possibilities are endless! Visualization is a wonderful way to begin to open the third eye.

As our third eyes open, we will encounter more and more spiritual reality, and depending on our level of evolution, we will encounter multidimensionality. This reality can be intense, and is not always daisies and roses. There is a serious need for spiritual discernment and protection. I wrote about spiritual discernment and protection here and here.

Many people who have awakened to their spirituality will need practice protecting their energy at first. The first thing I did was get rid of people in my who sucked my energy like a vampire, now I run the other way fast. I have also been advised by several reiki practitioners and spiritual leaders to do regular energy protection meditations. I like to visualize my aura as a bubble of protection with many bright colors! I wrote about this here.

A friend of mine experiences powerful visuals, and uses this to his advantage. One time he said, “I am going to sift your chakras and look for any densities that can be removed.” He stood before me for a moment or two, and then said, “I got em. Just a few in there. They look like rocks when panning for gold.”

There are infinite applications of visualization for the development of spiritual skills. Meditation entirely depends on one’s intention. I wouldn’t use visualization for simple awareness of breath meditations, because its not necessary. Yet for the curious, there are a million other moments in which it may be helpful.

Will you try visualization in your next meditation? Drop me a comment so I know how it goes!



To learn more divine truths, and to manage your own healing, give me a follow on this publication! Reyna Park

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