On allowing my authentic self to express into the world

Who Am I When the World Disappears?

Am I someone I recognize?

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readSep 18, 2020



Who am I when the world disappears? when no one is watching?

Who am I when the only eyes present are my own?
Who am I when the world is absent and I am simply looking at myself?

Am I someone I recognize? someone I know?
Am I someone different?
Am I someone I think the world will reject?

Do I deny my authentic self? my true self?
Do I resist my higher self?
Do I doubt my integrity to bring forth the honest expression of myself?

How do I express my authentic self? my true self?
How do I trust who I am?
How do I love myself?

In the present moment, I let go of the past.

In the present moment, I align with my real self.
In the present moment, I give myself permission to allow the world to see me.

I trust myself to be me.
I trust the integrity of my desires.
I trust I can have the experience that my heart desires.



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — http://www.AlanLew.com (paywall-free article links)